Best Smoking Devices

Rolling papers. Nothing beats rolling a number, after that, I recommend a bubbler for smoking and a volcano for vaping.

Bongs are cool, but it takes a number on the lungs more than everything besides a steamroller.
Beaker bong or a straight 1500- definitely glass with glass to glass fittings - one hitter with a screen for everyday use. Keep it clean with alcohol or a bong cleaner product.
My Roor was expensive but has served me well for years- the borate glass is strong and has taken a few hits i was surprised it survived.
Do you really mean "smoking"? As a lifetime Cannabis smoker, I've now switched to vaping organic flower. My lungs are so grateful. A quality vape for flower is a great investment.
Do you find that you use more vaping? I have a pax3 that i liked but it seemed to take more product to achieve the same effect. Plus I tried smoking (bong hits) of the remaining vaped weed and i got pretty high which says the vape may not be extracting all the thc like smoking. Now that i am growing I will have to try the pax again.
1. Volcano
2. Water pipe
3. Glass pipe or G Pen
4. Cones
5. Rolled / Raw paper

These are my current preffered ways of doing a sesh -

Volcano bags and water bong in rotation / G pen for outside ( or distillate carts i made )

Cones / Rolled for “ visitors “ and grandma.
In all honesty I'd recommend a glass bowl/pipe of a decent size, small pipes will burn hotter and not be as enjoyable for a new smoker. Just take it really easy start with a puff every couple hours max at first and eat something before you smoke. Have drinks and munchies on standby.