Best Smoke Piece


Well-Known Member
:leaf: Whats up RIU peeps. Just about to buy a new smoke piece and wondering which I should go with. I already have a cyclone pipe which is pretty good but I would like to explor something a little different maybe a bong, chillum, hookah, or maybe even a vaporizer... If you have used any of these tell me what you thought of it seeing that i havent ever used anything but a pipe peace.:leaf:
not gonna argue about this, they are both great but i feel illadelph is overpriced.
I'm not gonna argue that point. RooRs are overpriced (especially the plain ones, $400 for a plain tube with a diffused downstem? no thanks), but illys are overpriced compared to RooRs! Money as no object illy takes the cake, thanks in large part to their glycerin coil.
like i said, they are both top of the line in my opinion and anyone lucky enough to have either is in great shape. You prefer illys and i prefer a roors, id actually like to have one of each but havent found an illy that i felt was worth the asking price.
like i said, they are both top of the line in my opinion and anyone lucky enough to have either is in great shape. You prefer illys and i prefer a roors, id actually like to have one of each but havent found an illy that i felt was worth the asking price.
it'll be a long time before I shell out $1400 for anything to smoke out of, I can tell you that. But when push comes to shove, that $1400 gets you one sick fuckin piece.
there's a zillion brands out there, they pop up every day. AMG (american made glass), blue dot, zong, ph(X), zob (a great bargain), weed star, toro, ......

now the coil on illys is a glycerin coil, it's detachable and stores in the freezer. the glycerin (like alcohol) does not freeze at normal freezer temperatures, so the glass isn't put under any strain. it's a very efficient way to cool the smoke, and it's the only way to cool your smoke safely if you believe in the "ice is bad" philosophy.