best sized pots for sea of green

I ran a flood and drain SOG for 10 years.

Typically 40-45 plants in a 4x4 tray under a 1k air-cooled HPS. I used 6 inch square plastic pots filled with hydroton or growrocks. I started clones in peat pellets or rapid rooters. Once they were rooted they went into the 6inch pots and vegged for about 2 weeks to establish strong roots. They went into flower about 7-8 inches tall, and finished around 24 inches usually.

Over the years I grew many different varieties with this system and found I had the highest yields with hybrids that grew nice spear shaped colas. With that type of plant I would typically get 30ish premium grams per plant. With lower yielding varieties I averaged about 20g per plant.
I'm really wanting to try this next run I've been trying to get more info on it I'm currently running 12 2 gallon in coco in a 4x4 with 2 480w led boards I'm wanting to do a sog flowering at 6-8 inches tall any input on set up I usually use coco but also have hydroton any info or tips would be appreciated
If your in a tent I wouldn't go any bigger than 5 gallon. It depends how you want to train the plants or if you want to train the plants. If you're going to spread the plants open and have a big bushy plant you could do 4 5 gallon plants in a 4x4 and fill it wall to wall easily..
I'm really wanting to try this next run I've been trying to get more info on it I'm currently running 12 2 gallon in coco in a 4x4 with 2 480w led boards I'm wanting to do a sog flowering at 6-8 inches tall any input on set up I usually use coco but also have hydroton any info or tips would be appreciated

What do you want to know? THe basics of what I ran was in that last post, but I'm glad to help.
Soil or coco 1-3 gallon. I had 12 in 1 gallons in my 4x4 with a 2ish week veg time under a 1000w hps and hit a bit over a lb last time I sogged.
What do you want to know? THe basics of what I ran was in that last post, but I'm glad to help.
What kind of training or defoliating is there to keeping just a single cola or do they just not have enough time to grow side branches and is the nutes the same when there that small as apposed to a larger plant when flipped into flower
wow. I thought the size of the pot depended on the size the plant could grow to which I assumed bigger was better. I have always used 5g outside but i have some 3g pots I was gonna toss. you now have me rethinking that since I just bought a 5x5 tent. If I can fit more plants then thats great as long as Im not sacrificing large amounts of final product.
Question for you: Lets say worst case scenario someone comes knocking one day asking questions and you cant grow in your state. Will you get in more trouble for having a bunch of small plants vs 3-4 larger ones? Just trying to weigh risk to reward.
depends on what state youre in. Here in IL, yes more plants = bigger charge. One thing to factor in when selecting pot size is watering frequency. Im starting to get annoyed with how fast my 1g pots dry out but im not a SOG guy
What kind of training or defoliating is there to keeping just a single cola or do they just not have enough time to grow side branches and is the nutes the same when there that small as apposed to a larger plant when flipped into flower

I removed the lowest 1-2 sets of leaves and nodes when I put them into the flower room. This encouraged all upward growth. Certain strains will definitely be better for this type of grow. I had the best results with hybrid plants that naturally grew in spear shaped colas. Typically my plants would have 1-2 small branches with a few dense golf ball sized nugs. Then the top would be a cola between 8-12 inches tall.

Smaller younger plants don't usually need quite as much feed as larger older plants, but otherwise nothing really special.
I removed the lowest 1-2 sets of leaves and nodes when I put them into the flower room. This encouraged all upward growth. Certain strains will definitely be better for this type of grow. I had the best results with hybrid plants that naturally grew in spear shaped colas. Typically my plants would have 1-2 small branches with a few dense golf ball sized nugs. Then the top would be a cola between 8-12 inches tall.

Smaller younger plants don't usually need quite as much feed as larger older plants, but otherwise nothing really special.
Thank you
no problem I’m always glad to help when I can.
I'm about to embark on this sog adventure I have 6 in round plastic pots would I be better off buying 1 fal fabric pots to prevent them from getting rootbound or will the plastic be on I'm growing in coco
I'm about to embark on this sog adventure I have 6 in round plastic pots would I be better off buying 1 fal fabric pots to prevent them from getting rootbound or will the plastic be on I'm growing in coco

Personally, I had no problems with plastic pots. I used fabric a few times to see if there was any significant benefit, but the plants grew about the same. I like square pots for SOG when possible because you can fit them together better, but that's not an issue unless you are really packing them in. Really getting root bound shouldn't be any kind of issue anyway. For SOG you are gonna be growing small plants that will do just fine with a smaller root system. I even used to keep mother plants in 6 inch pots sometimes for a whole year before replacing them. They got cut back for clones ever 2ish weeks and then grew right back.
what are the best sized pots for sea of green? (sog) solo cups seem a bit small and brittle are there any oher pots that would suit. i prefer sog to be 6-8 inches apart yeilding half an ounce each plant.or perpetual harvest.

There was a time , lol that I ran 90 plants in a 4x7 on flow tables .
20 grams per was my best using 2 1000 hps and then easily would average 15 .

Vegging plants for 7-14 days after putting rooted clones in oasis to 4 inch rockwool cubes on the table.

Enjoy and good growing.