Best Seed Options for short season/the north?


Well-Known Member
When I ordered seeds last I didn't think much about outdoor. I don't have much outdoor experience (with weed) and from what I am hearing not many of the strains will fully mature in an average year here. Pretend I'm in Fargo, ND it's slightly more harsh/shorter season there than here so plants that do well there would be perfect. July/August are very hot and humid.

The seeds I have that may work so far are:
Northern Lights
A mix of Northern Lights Crosses
One Autoflower seed (comically, Northern Lights)

I know pretty much any auto will work, so lets stick with non-auto please.

I have two locations, one can't get too stinky, but neither has any strong guerrilla requirements.
When I ordered seeds last I didn't think much about outdoor. I don't have much outdoor experience (with weed) and from what I am hearing not many of the strains will fully mature in an average year here. Pretend I'm in Fargo, ND it's slightly more harsh/shorter season there than here so plants that do well there would be perfect. July/August are very hot and humid.

The seeds I have that may work so far are:
Northern Lights
A mix of Northern Lights Crosses
One Autoflower seed (comically, Northern Lights)

I know pretty much any auto will work, so lets stick with non-auto please.

I have two locations, one can't get too stinky, but neither has any strong guerrilla requirements.

well northern light apparently dont stink as much so you did good with that

and i pop the seeds in April

then i do start mine indoors until they have 3 or 4 sets of leaves a set is 2 leaves

but you can throw them straight in the ground i wait until the first day of may when the nights start to get shorter

and in the spring deer will have more foliage to eat ive lost 4 plants to those fuckers so ill be pissing at my crop spot and throwing rotten dip spit everywhere

oh and dig a big hole lol i think the last 2 plants i had were fucked because i didn't think about that when i salvaged her when a bear knocked her pot over
well northern light apparently dont stink as much so you did good with that

and i pop the seeds in April

then i do start mine indoors until they have 3 or 4 sets of leaves a set is 2 leaves

but you can throw them straight in the ground i wait until the first day of may when the nights start to get shorter

and in the spring deer will have more foliage to eat ive lost 4 plants to those fuckers so ill be pissing at my crop spot and throwing rotten dip spit everywhere

oh and dig a big hole lol i think the last 2 plants i had were fucked because i didn't think about that when i salvaged her when a bear knocked her pot over

Damn, you got more wildlife issues then me. One spot is pretty safe, deer don't feel safe in this area (like one deer goes through per year, running.) The other spot is only 300 yards away but where the deer feel safe and will be around daily, it's also going to be in the middle of a deer food plot. I'm hoping some pepper spray on them and being in the middle of a plot of tasty stuff will protect them well enough. No bear issues are likely, pretty low population within 30mi of me.

I'm a hunter so I will start my season early with my bow if they fuck with them. Win win for me.
any fast indica dom should do the job man

Starting them off inside under a long day then giving them a day or 2 of dark before putting them outside can normally speed up when they`ll finish better then germinating outside and letting the plant make up its own mind

I`ve had some strains that would flower under 14/10 inside but outside would do nothing till the days were well under 12 hours long maybe even 10 or 8 hours long, I guess the small change per day and the inconsistency of the weather as well as "dawn and dust" and light pollution may all play their parts towards screwing up anything outside

Seed wise its hard to find anything better for the price then "pure kush" or any kind of "ak or indica" that many seed companies seem to buy from farmers in india or the middle east

You could buy a few packs of regs and see what works for you then maybe breed some of the better examples so you have your own seed for future outdoor grows ?
My understanding is that we get 12/12 lighting in september, so that is when most strains flip to flower. We don't have 8 weeks from Sept 1st until the first frosts start. We have like 6 weeks from when a normal strain will flip. What I'm looking for are strains that flip early, with like 13/11 instead of 12/12, we want them to mature about 3 weeks faster than normal to make them mature on all but the worst years.

I don't think the early Sativa's are going to be early enough, so I think we are looking at Indicas, I will do auto or indoor for Sativa.
Damn, you got more wildlife issues then me. One spot is pretty safe, deer don't feel safe in this area (like one deer goes through per year, running.) The other spot is only 300 yards away but where the deer feel safe and will be around daily, it's also going to be in the middle of a deer food plot. I'm hoping some pepper spray on them and being in the middle of a plot of tasty stuff will protect them well enough. No bear issues are likely, pretty low population within 30mi of me.

I'm a hunter so I will start my season early with my bow if they fuck with them. Win win for me.

hahaha if you dip or chew take a few spit bottle and but them on your dash board for a few moths im sure that smell would scare em off cuz that shit is straight up toxic boi
hahaha if you dip or chew take a few spit bottle and but them on your dash board for a few moths im sure that smell would scare em off cuz that shit is straight up toxic boi
I don't chew, that shit makes me feel like I'm going to have a heart attack. I will leave a mesh bag full of hair at the site to try to keep them back from the weed, and also so they get used to my smell and ignore it for hunting season.
I don't chew, that shit makes me feel like I'm going to have a heart attack. I will leave a mesh bag full of hair at the site to try to keep them back from the weed, and also so they get used to my smell and ignore it for hunting season.

yeah thats another thing i might do i hunt also so they stay away and get used to the smell

but i use a rifle im not stealthy enough to bow hunt
yeah thats another thing i might do i hunt also so they stay away and get used to the smell

but i use a rifle im not stealthy enough to bow hunt
You don't have to be when you are just sitting in the bedroom looking out the window. Just need a quiet window.

That is my approach for cold weather, lol.
Best hunting story is the spear/ice chipper kill of a turkey out my window. I missed the one I was aiming for, but took the head off the one next to him. There were hundreds of them, I threw rice and corn out the window the day before.

Turkeys are my main wildlife for the area. Turkeys won't mess with weed will they?
You don't have to be when you are just sitting in the bedroom looking out the window. Just need a quiet window.

That is my approach for cold weather, lol.

hahaha i dont have them come in my yard but they come in my cow pasture all the time

i did have a bear compound bow but it was old and made of wood in some parts and it cracked when i shot it one day so i threw it away lol i dont want to get popped in the face with a 150 pound compound bows
hahaha i dont have them come in my yard but they come in my cow pasture all the time

i did have a bear compound bow but it was old and made of wood in some parts and it cracked when i shot it one day so i threw it away lol i dont want to get popped in the face with a 150 pound compound bows
150lb would be a crossbow, that would require a strong mother fucker to pull back. I laugh my ass off when someone tries to pull my 80lb bow back. It's a modern Bear bow.
150lb would be a crossbow, that would require a strong mother fucker to pull back. I laugh my ass off when someone tries to pull my 80lb bow back. It's a modern Bear bow.

lol the guy said it was 150lbs lol

this is exactly what it looked like


but it was like wood
most indicas will flower under 14 hours of light..
what's your lat? most hybrids will start flowering 4-6 weeks after the summer solstice.
Hey bro in same general area as you just a few degrees up north of you. Shitty growing season here compared to most IMO but this is where I live and after a few failed seasons with healthy plants that didnt Finish I did some research more into strains for my area. I stumbled upon royal canadian marijuana collective and although I only placed an order for a few strains I was more than satisfied with all of them. Plus many freebies. I have had great luck with highrise seeds patriot medicine and guerrilla kush. I also had great luck with alternative seeds texada time warp x nl #5) x texada time warp f4. Finished end of sept and nice smoke for sure. Their might be better options available but these strains have worked for me. Good luck and happy growing
Hey bro in same general area as you just a few degrees up north of you. Shitty growing season here compared to most IMO but this is where I live and after a few failed seasons with healthy plants that didnt Finish I did some research more into strains for my area. I stumbled upon royal canadian marijuana collective and although I only placed an order for a few strains I was more than satisfied with all of them. Plus many freebies. I have had great luck with highrise seeds patriot medicine and guerrilla kush. I also had great luck with alternative seeds texada time warp x nl #5) x texada time warp f4. Finished end of sept and nice smoke for sure. Their might be better options available but these strains have worked for me. Good luck and happy growing
I was looking at that place yesterday, lots of good options, unfortunately almost all are out of stock. I'm wondering if I missed the fall rush or if the fall harvest seeds show up for sale in the next month or two.
I think more will be showing up in the next cpl months although dont quote me lol. I am actually working a few early strains indoors ATM and making a cpl large batches of fems with the strains I listed and a few others for the upcoming season and a few buddy's asked for them as well. so if nothing turns up maybe I could help u out. I'm within a cpl hundred miles of the city u listed lol so I'm sure we could work something out if ur interested. Here's a cpl pics of a purple chemdawg x low rider f3 ill be crossing to a few things, the guerilla kush the time warp and pat meds.image.jpgimage.jpg
I think more will be showing up in the next cpl months although dont quote me lol. I am actually working a few early strains indoors ATM and making a cpl large batches of fems with the strains I listed and a few others for the upcoming season and a few buddy's asked for them as well. so if nothing turns up maybe I could help u out. I'm within a cpl hundred miles of the city u listed lol so I'm sure we could work something out if ur interested. Here's a cpl pics of a purple chemdawg x low rider f3 ill be crossing to a few things, the guerilla kush the time warp and pat meds.View attachment 3325710View attachment 3325712

I emailed them and they said two new breeders are joining and they will be getting restocks and new strains over the next few weeks from both new and existing breeders.

I appreciate the offer, but I would prefer not to share my details with anyone so I'm pretty much stuck with seed banks or local friends.