best seed bank?


Hello all my fellow tokerss!
I am new to this forum and i love it so far. I have been going through the forums and found many things i have wondered answered. So far i only have one question. What is the best seed bank? which bank has the best prices, and is the most reliable? i dont want to get ripped. Also I NEED the bank to be able to ship it to me here in northern cali :hump:. Also i will need the seed bank to make sure i don't need to sign anything when i get the package. THank you all. AND KEEP TOKEING!!! peace :peace: :joint:


i have only got seeds once but i used nirvana. took about 16 days total if i remember correctly. after ordering, i emailed them because i thought i had a problem and they hooked me up with 10 free seeds as well ^_^. they are growing beautifully right now. i got 12 of 13 to grow, and i might try the last one again sometime but i think it's not a good seed. i consider that a very good success rate! i am quite pleased with their service, and i know they are reliable. good luck!


Active Member
No experience with Attitude. Nirvana I do have some experience with. All good except one order which came and all the seeds were crushed.


Active Member
The Attitude is quite bomb. No signature needed, they hide your shit real well if you want them to. go to "advanced shipping options" on their site.


Well-Known Member
Attitude for sure.Ni signature.Real fast,Pay for the stealth express.Well worth it.4 orders in the last 2 months all to the usa.


thank you so much everyone who has posted. so far i am probably going to buy from Attitude. does anyone have any bad experiences with them? im open to any other suggestions. peace


Well-Known Member
you do not have to sign anything with attitude, and im pretty sure they ship to the us. they do stealth packaging.


Active Member
Everyone here will tell you attitude hands down it's a great company they ship & package great I've ordered from them 3 times and recieved all packages. Good prices and you get free seeds along with's a good choice you can use your credit card and ship them to your house too...havnt had any problems so have fun...


no experience with attitude, but from personal experience, and from reading where others have gotten their seeds... , was great. Chose stealth ship, and didn't have to sign, product was cleverly hidden and went through customs without a hitch. They do ship to the US. 5 free seeds with every order, and cost was very reasonable in my opinion.


hah i guess im going with attitude sounds great. thank you alll for your opinion it will help me a bunch. hmmmm, any strains you guys recommend? i don't want anything to pricey and hard to grow cuz this will be my first time growing. very excitedd!!

Killer Bud

Well-Known Member
The Attitude, and Sannie's are my ONLY 2 seed banks. They are cheap, have GREAT freebees, and have stealth shipping to the US. Sannie's takes around 4-5Days to East Coast, and Attitude can take anywhere from 6-9 Days may be even more depending on location, and how backed up mail service is.