Best Scrounge or Part Substitution


Well-Known Member
Anybody have a post for us cheap scroungers tonight?

I hope the evening finds everyone well.

Peace out


Well-Known Member
I wonder what is the lowest cost a guy could get by with and grow good herb?
Kpw555 .... How about this :

(1) five gallon bucket for making organic fertilizer tea - (free) - handle was broken off - found next to a dumpster....

(1) one air pump / tubing / air stone - I left the rest of the aquarium -(free) curb score - trash day - found on my way to work...... for mixing / oxygenating my organic fertilizer teas.....

(1) large wooden stirring spoon - (free) curb score - trash day - found on my way home from work ( it's an old broken boat paddle )

(5) pounds of bunny poop every other week - (free) kid next doors pet rabbit byproduct.....

(2) compost barrels full of goodies - (free) grass clippings, left over veggie food waste, coffee grounds (free from starbucks), old grow soil, oak tree leaves...etc....

(10) pounds of worm castings.... every 45 days - from my homemade worm bin (materials to build it - free - from construction site dumpsters ) - worms are fed with yard waste, kitchen veggie waste, old newpaper & bunny poop

Light source - the Sun - (free) until the government starts taxing it too.

Growing medium - forrest soil - enhanced with goodies listed above......

Two items - actually bought - Super Plant Tonic (ebay) root inoculant (good bacteria & mcyo fungi) cost $ 7.50 & High N / High P Bat Guano Pack cost $ 8.50 - total cost $ 16
See growing does not have to be expensive........
Keep it Real...Organic (aka - cheap & all natural)
The first pic - a Skunk # 1 (she had sisters), last pic - a couple of half gallon decanters (they were not alone either). Total yield - 2.3 pounds. Cost $ 16



Well-Known Member
i got these out of happy meal's back in the mid 90's. use them every time i clone.

That couldn't be more perfect for the use you spotted for that usually discarded item.

Kpw555 .... How about this :

(1) five gallon bucket for making organic fertilizer tea - (free) - handle was broken off - found next to a dumpster....

(1) one air pump / tubing / air stone - I left the rest of the aquarium -(free) curb score - trash day - found on my way to work...... for mixing / oxygenating my organic fertilizer teas.....

(1) large wooden stirring spoon - (free) curb score - trash day - found on my way home from work ( it's an old broken boat paddle )

(5) pounds of bunny poop every other week - (free) kid next doors pet rabbit byproduct.....

(2) compost barrels full of goodies - (free) grass clippings, left over veggie food waste, coffee grounds (free from starbucks), old grow soil, oak tree leaves...etc....

(10) pounds of worm castings.... every 45 days - from my homemade worm bin (materials to build it - free - from construction site dumpsters ) - worms are fed with yard waste, kitchen veggie waste, old newpaper & bunny poop

Light source - the Sun - (free) until the government starts taxing it too.

Growing medium - forrest soil - enhanced with goodies listed above......

Two items - actually bought - Super Plant Tonic (ebay) root inoculant (good bacteria & mcyo fungi) cost $ 7.50 & High N / High P Bat Guano Pack cost $ 8.50 - total cost $ 16
See growing does not have to be expensive........
Keep it Real...Organic (aka - cheap & all natural)
Awesome grow bro. Those look like some happy girls.

You didn't give us a total harvest, but in my opinion, one of those jars was worth way more than your total investment.

The best grows are always outdoor grows because you can just let the plant go and go and go and they get huge. I hope to find someplace to put out a few clones this spring.


Junior Creatologist
I wonder what is the lowest cost a guy could get by with and grow good herb?

2- 4' shop lights $7 ea

1- Bag of soil $5

1- sack miracle grow $6

1- small fan $8

Enclosure for light tightness could be scrounged.

I think $26 could provide weed in the right place.

Outdoors, chuck and run = free.
Enclosures could easily be scrounged. If you dont have a top shelf in your closet, take two washing machine cardboard boxes, and cut them open. Fashion yourself a nice large growbox, and line the inside with potato chip bags. Bam. instant growbox.

Me personally, i used the top shelf in my closet for my first grow. I cut open a box that i had from a Hunting bow that i bought, and i used it as a 4th wall, enclosing the space. To make it light tight, after i put the box up, and cut out two flaps so i could open and close the enclosure without taking apart the whole thing, i lined the outside in black trash bags, and duct taped them. It cost me all of 5 bucks to set up my entire growroom, minus the lightbulbs, lol. Heres a pic.

Heres before the Lightproofing (ignore spongebob, lol)

And here is after i put up the trashbags.

-Now, inside there i fit a 4' fixture for 2 plant n aquarium bulbs, along with 6 or 7 150w equivalent CFLs, a mix of both daylight and sunlight. Worked out pretty well, and i still use the top cab today as a veg chamber, before i move my plants into my tent, where i have a 600w (upgrading to 1000w to finish flowering) digital setup.

Improvising is a great thing. My first grow from start to finish probably cost be about 100 bucks altogether.


Well-Known Member
Cardboard is a terrific scrounge for a lot of projects. Big boxes can be found many times behind dept stores and the like for the taking.

My neighbor a few years ago threw away some 1000W MH high bay fixtures on heavy trash day and I grabbed them out of the junk pile. Didn't have a grow right then so I sold them for $50 ea and bought some weed.


Well-Known Member
Hurray for cardboard!

I need a good black lightproof material, I wonder how hard it would be to cover a space that is 12 feet by about 10 feet by about 9 feet tall. I was going to use pond liner.

Anyone know of a cheap white poly film? With trash bags and some white poly I won't have to buy panda film. I already have the mylar for the places that need it.


Well-Known Member
Hurray for cardboard!

I need a good black lightproof material, I wonder how hard it would be to cover a space that is 12 feet by about 10 feet by about 9 feet tall. I was going to use pond liner.

Anyone know of a cheap white poly film? With trash bags and some white poly I won't have to buy panda film. I already have the mylar for the places that need it.
try that black plastic they put under mulch to keep weeds from growing, im pretty sure thats shits light proof. good luck finding it in december though... i use heavy trash bags for the door to my flower room, just make sure you get really thick ones or light will get through.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm at a loss at this part of the globe for finding gardening supplies without driving to a specialty grow shop.

I was thinking black and white trashbags kinda like panda film on the cheap. I already have cheap mylar.

Maybe I'll just spray paint some card board. Rattle cans are kinda cheap, flat white and matte black would work good.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm at a loss at this part of the globe for finding gardening supplies without driving to a specialty grow shop.

I was thinking black and white trashbags kinda like panda film on the cheap. I already have cheap mylar.

Maybe I'll just spray paint some card board. Rattle cans are kinda cheap, flat white and matte black would work good.
Cardboard should work fine if the humidity isn't too high. And fire is always a threat using cardboard so be careful in the installation.

Keep on keeping on bro..