Best Rosin Press with a budget

These are the ones I'm thinking about...but maybe they will go on sale for Black Friday(?) Pretty good deal from the looks of it. There are a few different variations of rosin plate sets they sell. This one looked like the best one to me:;searl|3156832596

Don't have to buy a drill and tap set to DIY one...Don't have to worry about the plates being flat/polished....The heater elements are the larger one...the controller is probably not great...but who knows? I'm willing to bite at this price!
Are you going to install it on the Dake 10?
Looking for the most recommended rosin presses on the market right now that has a balance between good quality and budget friendly.

I have tools and diy capability and i realize i can save much more going that route. Are there any particular tutorials that you recommend? Feel free to assist. Thanks in advance .

How much do you plan to press at a time? Are you gonna squish a few grams at a time? Or looking to do bigger presses? Remember bigger plates (actually the surface area of the weed being pressed) require more tons to create the same psi. If you're lookin to squish a few grams at a time, I'd go with 3x3 plates and a 10 ton press. If you wanna go 14-28 grams at a time, you're lookin at 6x3 or 4x7 plates with 20 ton press (not using all 20 tons, you need headroom if you want your press to last).
Timefoxwizard on ig makes kick ass plate setups complete with heat controls, elements and pre press mold. Excellent value. You will need a press though. Catch harbor freight with a 25% off coupon and get the 12 or 20 ton. It will need some mods though. Upgrade the bolts to grade 8 and replace the deck pins with hardened steel. Unless you like shitting your britches then having to buy a new press or just doing that anyway.

I bought my plates off Timewizard, and would highly recommend him as well. Did he ever release that full unit he was workin on?
I bought my plates off Timewizard, and would highly recommend him as well. Did he ever release that full unit he was workin on?
Dont know. Was suggested by a friend after i was too deep into my build to justify scrapping it. Checked his stuff out and its going to be hard to beat. Great value for great product.
How much do you plan to press at a time? Are you gonna squish a few grams at a time? Or looking to do bigger presses? Remember bigger plates (actually the surface area of the weed being pressed) require more tons to create the same psi. If you're lookin to squish a few grams at a time, I'd go with 3x3 plates and a 10 ton press. If you wanna go 14-28 grams at a time, you're lookin at 6x3 or 4x7 plates with 20 ton press (not using all 20 tons, you need headroom if you want your press to last).
I'd prefer squishing about 7 - 14 grams at a time but good to have he flexibility for doing more or less. Thanks for those numbers they help alot
I'd prefer squishing about 7 - 14 grams at a time but good to have he flexibility for doing more or less. Thanks for those numbers they help alot
I squish 20g's of broken up smalls at a time with my setup. 4x7 lowtemp plates 20 ton. I use the 3x6 bags he sells. I've been farting around with squishing more starting with a 3x6 prepress mold, but to tell you the truth, i still like the stuft bags better.

I can crank the shit out. Especially when squishing bubble or kief. I take mine all the way to 20 ton for the last 15 seconds.
I completely changed my plan yesterday when I realized I could get a Low Temp Plates CAGED plate set with controller for $400 and change. I went ahead and pulled the trigger on it. It looks like a nice setup, anyway.

Now, all I need to do is to finalize which press to get. I like the Dake B10, but I just want to find the best price on one...or possibly consider another brand of equal quality. After watching many videos about the Harbor Freight one, I decided against it.
How much do you plan to press at a time? Are you gonna squish a few grams at a time? Or looking to do bigger presses? Remember bigger plates (actually the surface area of the weed being pressed) require more tons to create the same psi. If you're lookin to squish a few grams at a time, I'd go with 3x3 plates and a 10 ton press. If you wanna go 14-28 grams at a time, you're lookin at 6x3 or 4x7 plates with 20 ton press (not using all 20 tons, you need headroom if you want your press to last).
I completely changed my plan yesterday when I realized I could get a Low Temp Plates CAGED plate set with controller for $400 and change. I went ahead and pulled the trigger on it. It looks like a nice setup, anyway.

Now, all I need to do is to finalize which press to get. I like the Dake B10, but I just want to find the best price on one...or possibly consider another brand of equal quality. After watching many videos about the Harbor Freight one, I decided against it.
The HF 20 ton I got is nice for price ,it's powder coated, as long as u swap out the 4 top bolts & the set pins (mine came with hardened pins ) I am more than happy , the bottle jack works great it's powder coated as well
I got 4 x 7 plates, controller from Lit from Canada
Well, I was considering it....but when I watched a video of a guy who bought one, he pointed out the large amount of "slop" between the H frame and the part (beam?) that moves up and down along it..He ended up doing so many tweaks to it and spending so much time before he was happy with it, I just didn't want to go through any of that. In addition to that, another guy tested its pressing power and found that it was nowhere near the advertised 20 ton capacity.

One of the things to consider with setting up one of these up is that the heat from the plates will eventually transfer into the other metal parts attached to the press....and sometimes will heat up the oil inside the hydraulic pump and cause it to leak...which then means you can't build up as much pressure.

With the caged setup, I can keep the ram detached from the plates and lessen the chance of heat transference. And I can set the cage on piece of thick leather or cork or some kind of insulation to keep the setup from transferring heat as well. And, if I get a press that has a detachable pump, then even better!