Best reflector setup for my CFL... setup


So, I'm building myself a small grow set up. tent is 2x4.5' and about 6' tall. I'm planning on doing 2 plants at a time, in either scrog or mainline (I will probably try out both methods at one point or another), and for the time being doing it with CFLs, as i scored about 40 23w CFLs for like $25, plus a ton of splitters and stuff for like $10 more. I've figured I can effectively place 6 split sets of bulbs, or 12 bulbs, over each scrog net, for maximum even dispersion of light. Here is the layout.


What I'm trying to figure out is my best option for reflection. I cant quite fit beercan reflectors. I'm trying to figure out the best way to build some reflectors (either a bunch, or one per side) that will still allow air up top to get to the fan. Any ideas here?


Easy way to make a home-made reflector is just to use a rectangular oven dish, the ones used when cooking whole chickens.


Active Member
Or get the foil tape used for vent ducts (mylar sheeting would be best and is cheap but hard to find local, at least for me), cover a cheap piece of some wood, shoot if its well vent area could use cardboard with just CFLs, then just suspend it above the bulbs.