best possible for a vet


Active Member
hey heres the deal, my neighbor john is a nam vet, he smokes for the ptsd, appetite, and to try to cope with some of the things he was forced to do. our govt knows no shame. im tired of him payin 150 an O for schwagg. ill be growing for him and myself. we took out a loan for 600.00 to buy light, tent, filter/fan. the htgsupply 400 watt complete kit, 40x40x70 tent, 4in inlin fan carbon filter combo, seems to be our best choice. should we lst? all growth in same tent, we need large quality harvests


Active Member
Good for you man..glad to hear you helpin out a vet. You could lst,top,fim, and even let them run wild with a short veg. You've got almost 6 feet of head room. I'd grow Indicas or hybrids but Sativas are good too(height is usually an issue though) HTG is a very reputable company with competative pricing. I personally think you could score a better tent though.. Secret Jardin makes a great tent. You'll be fine with whatever you choose.


Mmmmmm nice tent bro, make a large enough pvc screen to scrog, get a 2 20 gallon tubs and set up a dwc, put like 4 plants in each one.


Active Member
we'll be doing all growth in the same tent, how can we not run out? we each smoke about a 1/2 O a week, my ole lady smokes we need step xstep advice please. or a better plan. the tent is a must, as is low power consumption. thanx in advance


Well-Known Member
do you have any prior grow experience? props for taking on this challenge though, it's very fun, and rewarding, especially for a veteran who can use this much needed medicine for PTSD.

what strains are you growing? i would look at sativa dominant strains, since that will give him a more energetic, up beat high compared to an indica where it would put ya on the couch. each have their benefits though. there are a lot of informative posts on this site about LST, which you should do to make the most out of that light.


Active Member
Good for you man..glad to hear you helpin out a vet. You could lst,top,fim, and even let them run wild with a short veg. You've got almost 6 feet of head room. I'd grow Indicas or hybrids but Sativas are good too(height is usually an issue though) HTG is a very reputable company with competative pricing. I personally think you could score a better tent though.. Secret Jardin makes a great tent. You'll be fine with whatever you choose.
what makes the jardin better?


Active Member
i've had 2 outdoor harvests but nothing indoors. hoping to get clones, but yes leaning twords sensi's indoor mix. all this lst seems confusing, i grew trees in ky, now im neening more in a smaller environment,


Well-Known Member
If you can try and get 1 or 2 smaller tents (i.e ) or smaller (i.e )
and use your big tent for flower throw in a few imaginary boundaries and you have your self a perpetual.
use the smallest one to house your clones or put them in with the mother plants.
I had the same issue i modified 2 armoirs.
DSC00813.jpg(left to right top to bottom: flower week 6-9, mother cab, flower week 3-6, flower -3weeks, and last but not least in the very bottom of the right cab is my cloning station. fully light proofed from 1 and other and have since added ducting to each cab)
It takes alot to get a perpetual up and running those pictures are 2 months old and i'm just about ready to start my 3rd set of plants.
I have no clue what my yeilds will be each cab has 12 plants in it first 2 batches weren't vegged at all 3rd will be vegged for a week, even if each plant only gives me a quarter that will be enough to keep me green until my next batch comes out.
i'm trying to follow this perpetual guide mixed with this guide


Active Member
hey i really like that system, but what type o lights? wouldnt a 400 hps burn anything in an environment that small? i like the 1/4 o per 12 plnts about an O&1/2 every say 3 weeks. were your buds tight and dense or loose and airy? thinkin about getting bigger tent and halfing it usin 400 for flower and some flourecents for veg just do it all at once, and transfer w each harvest. 400 is the highest wattage we can grow. my buddy has a purp haze flowerin undr a 400, its been goin for 3.5 weeks and isnt rdy yt


Well-Known Member
convict well my buds aren't super tight but i mean they do the trick i didn't bother with a hps system in there, the cf's are treating me well ive used these lights in all my other grows. it looks like regular indoor you just gotta find a happy medium with your spectrum. remember crystal cannot form on the inside of a dense bud it needs surface area. i like to give all my plants a massive shot of uvb light from week 4-10 because thc is a pot plants defense mechanism if you pump uvb lighting onto them for 6 weeks a plant will increase it's crystal production because It also has been discovered that the crystals block UVB 275nm - 325nm range - the most harmful part of the electromagnetic spectrum.


Active Member
should i start our seedlings under regular florecents ( misspelled) or the 400mh? those r our only options, only have 2 cfl fixtures nd budget is tapped completely.


Well-Known Member
should i start our seedlings under regular florecents ( misspelled) or the 400mh? those r our only options, only have 2 cfl fixtures nd budget is tapped completely.
you definatly can here wuld be my problem have u already gotten your equipt? if so go ahead u can start seeds under regular flouros, just make sure u get the bulb close as u can i mean 3 to 4 inches from the pots so the plants dont stretch like crazy tryin to get to the lights.


Active Member
getting some c red seeds on fri, figured we'd start 3 of the normal strains and 6 cred, as they are an AF, so we can get a fast quality harvest initially, hopefully we get the Qwerkle x Sourbubble, then have those 3 going, 3 each, qwerk,cred,private strain. planning on 10-13 oz dried after all done,3.5 months? addin co2 tryin to figure out how much we need, nd can i run a 6" vent into a 8" vent? cause had to get the 8" INLINE fan, sorry for yellin, pinky has mind of its own. any advice is welcome. + rep


Active Member
you definatly can here wuld be my problem have u already gotten your equipt? if so go ahead u can start seeds under regular flouros, just make sure u get the bulb close as u can i mean 3 to 4 inches from the pots so the plants dont stretch like crazy tryin to get to the lights.
you didnt say your prob bro, or i misread it


Well-Known Member
idident have a prob man i was refering to the post u posted askin if u can start ur seeds under flouros lol, and to awnser your question about the 6 to 8 yes you can go to the hardware store home depot or lowes and get a 6 inch to 8 inch adapter


Well-Known Member
ooo ok i was meaning dont start your seeds under flouros right now if u dont have all ur equipment to grow with your lights ect sonuds like u have it but i dident read that well but yes u can start under flouros just keep the lights really low to the pots like 3 to 4 inches above the soil so the seedlings dont stretch to gfet to the light


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