Best Places to Grow in Oregon


Well-Known Member
I don't get it? 4 plants legally? So are all those houses Williams Oregon, not legal? Or are they "medical"? Lol... I really don't understand how everybody grows only a selected few get busted.
they're medical, but i counted most everyone over their limit.

limit is 24 flowering in oregon. 6 plants per patient, 4 patients max per caregiver.


Well-Known Member
Williams may be known for growing..But if you look at the map it's not exactly a metropolitan area. Their county has one of the highest concentration of medical card holders in the state (per capita). I don't think the cops have the time, money or desire to sift through exacty who is legal and who isn't ( Unless they are flying in the face of the law with a monster grow) There was a medical grower in the Medford area, who was being stupid about it and ended up getting busted…But he was growing 50+ plants and talking to the media about it. Seems that enforcement money is spent on the assholes who do giant grows in the forests and set traps for people who might be wandering by.
I've been growing up here for going on 25 years..I don't advertise that I grow, but it's a small town and I knew (they are both retired now) two local cops really well, they knew I was growing on my property and never bothered me about it.


Well-Known Member
they're medical, but i counted most everyone over their limit.

limit is 24 flowering in oregon. 6 plants per patient, 4 patients max per caregiver.

Yeah Buck..I don't get how some people blast past that limit…It pretty clearly states a grower can only grow for four patients.

What I "think" some people do is form a co-op of growers on one property…You know..get a couple buddies to get their growers licences…post them on the site and reward them somehow,.

If you've got 4 growers growing on one site..then boom…you can grow close to 100 plants.


Active Member
Its great to get all of this feedback from the community. Would you have any tips for a first year outdoor grow petert?


Well-Known Member
You can have 4 growers per property with 4 patients each. 96 plants. Some people own adjoining properties as well so multiply that. Also you still need a permit to grow rec herb. And you can have that revoked at any time for misdemeanors even unrelated to herb or drugs. for good genetics that finish.


Well-Known Member
Williams may be known for growing..But if you look at the map it's not exactly a metropolitan area. Their county has one of the highest concentration of medical card holders in the state (per capita). I don't think the cops have the time, money or desire to sift through exacty who is legal and who isn't ( Unless they are flying in the face of the law with a monster grow) There was a medical grower in the Medford area, who was being stupid about it and ended up getting busted…But he was growing 50+ plants and talking to the media about it. Seems that enforcement money is spent on the assholes who do giant grows in the forests and set traps for people who might be wandering by.
I've been growing up here for going on 25 years..I don't advertise that I grow, but it's a small town and I knew (they are both retired now) two local cops really well, they knew I was growing on my property and never bothered me about it.
Yah that was high hope farms and dude had 800plants greedy, like I said Jackson county southern or and I would say Williams is southern can grow monster plants here double digits if you are dialed show me another place in Oregon where you can do that.


Well-Known Member
You can get 10lbers in Roseburg. I would call my buddies in the applegate and they would have 90 degree sunny days in may when we had 70 degrees and overcast in Sutherlin. I'm shooting for 5lb plants in the northern coast range, we'll see...


Well-Known Member
Since we were talking Williams Oregon..Birth place of the amazing Williams Wonder! I'm gonna take a chance here…Uncle Buck or any of the other So. Oregon growers…Subcool did a video on YouTube on Oregon Diesel and interviewed the guys who crossed Blackberry X NYC Diesel to get Oregon Diesel…He never gives away locations…But in the video he said you guy must live on medical bud boulevard or something because everyone on this road is growing..made me think it might be Williams…I'm looking for some more O.Diesel clones for this year. Anyone know breeders up in that neck of the woods?