Best places to buy cfl's


Well-Known Member
I hate walmart too. For a hundred reasons. I also know probably 50 people that say how much they hate it. But we all shop there. Mainly because it's close and it's cheap, and there are very few small local business' left because they cannot compete... So anyway... like I said in my original post, and like gsspike ended up doing; We bought the reflectors and bases at walmart and ordered the proper bulbs online.

Sorry if that's off topic, but that guy called my answer stupid and got me started on SprawlMart.
My wife and I look for the made in USA label usually when we shop there after the made in USA add turned out to be a joke. They sent me a survey not to long ago and I told them give their employees decent pay and benefits and buy more made in USA products..


Active Member
If the government would step and make them buy and sell US goods that would fix the problem. And theres no reason they can't or shouldn't, but they are to busy with the war on drugs and the war on terror... yadayadayada... oh yea off topic, CFL's right, right...


Well-Known Member
If the government would step and make them buy and sell US goods that would fix the problem. And theres no reason they can't or shouldn't, but they are to busy with the war on drugs and the war on terror... yadayadayada... oh yea off topic, CFL's right, right...
Well every one knows that those California medical marijuana dispencaries are known hang outs for "terrorist and support the axis of evil with their profits." LOL

Imagine the jobs for farmers and others if more states legalized growing industrial Hemp and medical MM. Oh wait a minute, we will have to wait for China to become a major exporter of it and then we can import it from them and it will be ok legalize it.


Well-Known Member
To bring it back on topic:

I found Ace hardware has a contractor's 10 pack of 26W (100W equivalent) GE bulbs for around $26. This is a HUGE savings over the $8 for 2 at Home Depot and Lowes.

The box doesn't say the kelvin's but from looking online they appear to be 2700K so I'll save those for flowering.


Well-Known Member
To bring it back on topic:

I found Ace hardware has a contractor's 10 pack of 26W (100W equivalent) GE bulbs for around $26. This is a HUGE savings over the $8 for 2 at Home Depot and Lowes.

The box doesn't say the kelvin's but from looking online they appear to be 2700K so I'll save those for flowering.

Just plain hard to find the Blue end of the spectrum in the higher wattage.
Good to know about ACE there is one a few miles away. I find the cheaper for a lot of stuff.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Tokinguybri no offence meant to you (or others). Just don't like Walmart is all. Yeh they sell cheap stuff but trust me when I say -they cost you money in other ways. Its the closest store to my house, but I RODE MY BIKE past it to go to Benny's for bulbs and cords. Got the bulbs on sale buy one get one. So I probably saved money NOT going to wal-mart. :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry Tokinguybri no offence meant to you (or others). Just don't like Walmart is all. Yeh they sell cheap stuff but trust me when I say -they cost you money in other ways. Its the closest store to my house, but I RODE MY BIKE past it to go to Benny's for bulbs and cords. Got the bulbs on sale buy one get one. So I probably saved money NOT going to wal-mart. :)
I agree I am not a big fan of Walmart either, but sometimes you have no choice.


Well-Known Member
If the government would step and make them buy and sell US goods that would fix the problem. And theres no reason they can't or shouldn't, but they are to busy with the war on drugs and the war on terror... yadayadayada... oh yea off topic, CFL's right, right...
The government was bought and paid and knew free trade and trading with china would ship our industry jobs overseas. I cant tell you how much of my kids toys or every day crap in my house is all made in china. My wife and i both dont like walmart for same reasons already stated but again have no choice sometimes because of the price difference between paid labor and slave labor. Those jobs will never comeback untill every 3rd world country has been used and abused by super corporations which by then will have figured a way around no more slave labor by having min wages thrown out "to save our jobs", their wallets /end rant


Walmart here in canada just got in some 150-200 watt normal receptacle bulbs in both 6500k and 2700k. They are up for $10 - $18. Would almost be worth it to buy them up and sell them out.


Active Member
I just got 12 42 watt 2700K CFLs for 44$ including shipping, all arived in godd condition, so about 3.75 apiece , never seen them anywhere close to that... top of page, the TCP ones , oddly enough the 6500 K ones are like 13$ apiece,my guess is simple supply and demand "regular folk" like the warm white for lighting so they prob sell 10 times as many as the 6500K... I know my wife hates the 6500 K for regular lighting...