Best place to vent?

Where is the best/stealthiest place to vent hot grow air?

Ive heard anything from down the bathroom drain to the attic to the dryer duct, but what IS the best place to vent? By this I mostly mean stealthiest.

Ive heard popular responses such as:

1. out the window: NO. if a cop wanted to walk by and heat gun your house he could see your 4,6,8 inch ducting pumping hot air out... dead giveaway.

2. dryer duct: MAYBE. however, i feel like if you run your dryer at the same time its kind of game over...

3. attic: MAYBE. however, how insulated does it need to be? im assuming pumping hot air into your attic will make your roof glow to FLIR cameras. i know cops need a warrant to flir your house blah blah blah but everyone knows they do it anyways.

So the question stands, what is the best place to vent?

is there anything you can do to make that hot air cold again and simply circulate it back into either the grow room or another room?

I just feel like this is a general question that everyone should think about.


Well-Known Member
your way to worried about flir, they need a warrant to flir your house and if they happened to be out doing it for some other reason and they would somehow become suspicious they could not get a warrant from it w/o another reason. so even if they do it dont matter if you follow the basic safety things of growing like not telling can also get flir blocking reflective material to line your grow with or your attic or etc, but honestly your worrying over nothing bro.....
i know that they "cant" w/o a warrant and whatnot but the reality of the situation is that they do so without a warrant all the time. then they start watching you (i live in a rich county where theres more cops than crime so busting a closet grow or a tent is not something they would just brush off theyd run as hard as they could with it) just asking for some creative answers to this problem.

lining with the blocking material is a good idea but what about going without it?

just venting somewhere else in the house


Well-Known Member
they could still see the heat source(your light/lights) if you just vented somewhere else though. I still think your worrying over nothing, but if it makes you feel better you could try this stuff also-the attic might be your best bet to vent, they do tend to be pretty warm alot of the time already so it shouldnt make you stand out, the dryer vent idea would be fine too,but im kind of confused on why you said w/the dryer going its game over?
i was just thinking that the dryer vent had 2 issues. 1 being that if run with the dryer at the same time it might get just too hot or something and something might go wrong. then again im not an electrician or architect so i dunno haha. 2 being that i thought that the dryer vent ran outside somewhere? this once again having the problem of LEO seeing hot air dumping outside 24/7. please correct me if im wrong.

i always thought the attic was a good call but ive heard it may create mold problems? i assumed venting a 400w hps into the attic and lining the attic with anti flir reflective shit was the safest bet. I just dont wanna be that one house on the block that has no snow on the roof after a snow storm haha. seeeen that scenario playing out in my head haha.

anyways, anyone else have thoughts/suggestions?


Well-Known Member
i say attic, with the exit up near the roof. you don't want mold in the attic as you are venting hot moist humid air.