Best place to buy lots of cobs.

Hard to do that when I buy my COBs from china lol nice light though
I hear you but I've delt with Jerry and allibaba. and the wait. and shipping costs. just saying that I can probley get them for the same money without all that hassle.
but that's fine to. I'm just a business man to at the end of the day. and have the capital to do it
I hear you but I've delt with Jerry and allibaba. and the wait. and shipping costs. just saying that I can probley get them for the same money without all that hassle.
I'm the who helped jerry and I'm only a $1-$2 more on the cobs lol ask Jerry and he'll tell you about me lol I'm on the west coast and the shipping is through US Priority Mail Flat rate.
4x4 space what do u think I should order and where
for flowering
This is what I did for a 4×4. ten cxb3590 3500k , 2 HLG -240-1400ma. that is a 4×4 in the pic and it's almost the same size. now you don't have to go that far but if you want the most out of your grow this is what I recommend. but you can go as low as 6 cobbs and that will work to ,but I wouldn't go any less than 6 and if I were to do six than I would most likely bump up to 1600ma.
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as far as where just let me know what rought you want to take and
I can help you with that. bottom line is what is your budget
Not sure the 'cob' scene is for me....I just need a single bucket in the closet.
one two or even just three cobbs and you will be hooked. no a/c no high power bills .just a fan to move air for the plants. that alone should turn you to cobbs.