Best place for thermometer/hydrometer?

cannabis culture

Well-Known Member
I only have 1 digital thermomenter/hydrometer for my grow room, where would be the iideal place to put it?

I been having it right smack dab in the middle of my crop (directly under my light), canopy level, I'm guessing this is the best place?


Well-Known Member
I grabbed a few cheap thermos from lowes. I think they were 9 or 10 bucks. I also grabbed a fish tank thermo from petco. The was only like $13.


Well-Known Member
[h=1]Best place for thermometer/hydrometer?[/h]
up your ............

Just kidding. I put mine at the tops.


Well-Known Member
actually, spending about $40 for an infrared thermometer will give you leaf temperature which will tell you if your plant is transpiring correctly. just compare leaf temp to the temp on the side of your pot or the lower plant stem. leaf temp should be equal or lower than ambient temp. it also has a million use around the house from checking grill surface temps, to looking for leaks around windows.


Well-Known Member
Yes, mine is at canopy level in the middle of the grow hung with fishing line from light. I also run a couple cheap analogs for back up and quick visuals. I like having the remote feature of my digital sitting outside of the grow, so I can see temps without ever entering the room.
