best ph range for watering plants in soil

if your growing in soil what would be the optimal ph range for your water when watering your plants? i know what range i need my soil's ph to be but when i water my plants im not quite sure.. not sure if it should be in the 6.8-7.2 range or if it should be 6.2-6.8 range.? any help would be greatly appreciated!! thanks fellow stoners.


Well-Known Member
From what I've been told whatever you put into the soil takes on the pH of the soil. So it might not matter, I haven't been pH the water and I haven't had any problems yet. I use distilled water. I may be wrong. But that at least starts some sort of discussion..
From what I've been told whatever you put into the soil takes on the pH of the soil. So it might not matter, I haven't been pH the water and I haven't had any problems yet. I use distilled water. I may be wrong. But that at least starts some sort of discussion..
I agree. Not with the distilled water, but PH.
Of course, the moment the water hits the medium the water will change it's PH. Water does not buffer as strong as soil. So no need to PH the tap-water.

Nutrients (bottled) affect PH much more, they can - over time - change the PH of your medium.
Nitrongen: Nitrates will make the soil more alkaline, but ammoinum N will make it more acidic (from the top of my head). Most grow-bottles have both types of N.


Well-Known Member
distilled water is not good. cant geminate seeds hard to grow roots. if not impossible. the ph should be between 6 to 7. so put the ph @ 6.5 its the very best .


Well-Known Member
distilled water is not good. cant geminate seeds hard to grow roots. if not impossible. the ph should be between 6 to 7. so put the ph @ 6.5 its the very best .
Hm. Never heard it wasn't good. Mine are growing just fine... I use cal mag and roots organic nutrients
thanks guys. im trying the ph at 6.5, i was doing 7.0 and my one strain was fine but the other wasnt (very weird) so i decided to drop it to 6.5 hope it works

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
You can get a small pump for under $40 to mix your water. I find that most efficient. A piece of litmus paper you can purchase from almost any drug store will help you find the soils ph. If the soil ph is nominal the water can be anywhere from 6-7ph. If the water/soil is outside the 6-7ph range it is advisable to fix it. When adding (to the water) fertilizer add the nutes first, then do the ph. I have journaled the RIU ph chart. Feel free to copy, paste, print do whatever with it This chart helps save a lot of arguing.


Active Member
I use fox farm soil and i ph water to 6.8 never had a problem... I ph water and nutes to 6.8 for my buddy he uses miracle grow moisture control never had a problem either


Depending on the PH of the soil, that will tell you where (if at all) you should PH your water. Ideally you want your soil between 6.3-6.5. In that range you don't need to PH your water (i would still check it, adding nutes, etc can lower the water's PH below 6.0). If your soil is above 6.8, I would PH your water down to 6.3ish.