best pain killer to use?


Well-Known Member
I have a boil bump that is painful as hell, so painful that i cant pop it,it just keeps growing. its on my ass and after talking to the doctor about surgery I cant do it. reason why, he said im still going to go through crazy ass pain of him cutting or poking the bump. my ass will be exposed and it just seem gay as hell for him to cut and squeze the but cheek. so id rather find a better way to do it myself. I have access to underground drugs like Vicodin, meth, and bud however i have been sober from weed for 2 weeks. im trying to get in the military so untill than i cant smoke pot. so its a choice between Vicodin and meth.


Active Member
unlucky, bad situation to be in, but surely the meth is a bad idea. I know a guy who gets all his dental work done without anesthetics, he meditates or sumin simillar. Perhaps some kind of locally applied stuff that you might use for a back injury. You could try dipping your butt in ice water to numb it aswell. dunno man, gl tho!


Well-Known Member
i recently did meth once for popin it, problem is it didnt completely pop it, only enough for some blood to come out. i dont like the idea of meth too because even though the job got done the come down was horrible.


Well-Known Member
LOL. meth WILL give you the ability to pick wig and dig. (and infect)
However that is a bad idea. If you happen to burst that in instead of out
you can poisen yourself. its not a big deal what the doc is talking about.
Is it staph or what?

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
They're doctors, jobs like this is why they're well compensated. Are you worried you're going to pop wood when he squeezes your ass?


Well-Known Member
its prolly staph just the head hasnt come yet esp if it hurts. go back to the doc an let him cut an drain it before it gets worse. its not like they dont give you pain medicine before an after on top of numbin the area.


Well-Known Member
Dude... lol this is hilarious. Vicodin is obviously the best choice. Since im a tattoo artist I have access to local anesthetics like Novacaine. I would pop a couple Vics and inject some novacaine into the spot. Then take a sterile scalpel and carefully go to work. Make sure you keep hydrogen peroxide on hand to clean it every few seconds.


Active Member
You can also try dabbing tea tree oil on it - I've used this to treat acne before, it soaks through your skin and kills bacteria. It was actually widely used as an antibiotic in WWI. Oregano oil also kills a lot of microbes. Once I put maybe 1tsp of oregano into a large bread dough I was making (4 cups of flour)... it didn't rise one bit. The yeast was killed instantly by the oregano. I also forgot to put in salt. It was the worst pizza I've ever had in my life. :bigjoint: