best nutrient ever SUPER thrive


Well-Known Member
I just purchased a 1oz bottle on ebay for $5.00. I am excited to give this a shot with all the good reviews. Knowledge on my question above is still welcomed!!!


At what point should I start applying Superthrive and how much should I apply and how often should I apply it?

you can use it whenever you like to.... just do it like the bottle says, one drop per gallon of water. i use it....sometimes, but i just dont see a noticable difference with it, but it is safe to use at every watering.


Well-Known Member
Most people use superthrive only in cases where a plant is lagging behind or sick. Usually superthrive will make them perk up and grow along with the rest of the plants. I have never really heard of superthrive making plants grow faster. In DWC plants can grow 6" a day so I think that would be hard to tell if the actual growth rate changed or in any medium really. I haven't seen anyone try giving superthrive to one plant and none to another as a case study. I think one of you should do it and make a thread out of it. It would be interesting to see. One of the main reasons why a lot of people don't use it every watering is because a lot of different strains don't respond well to superthrive at all and can render the plant rather than help it.


Well-Known Member
yes, I'm in ontario and picked this stuff up at a local headshop. I"ve also heard it's available at any hydroponics store. I'm not too sure on how well it works on plants but I used it for my clones. my first batch of clones were watered w/o superthive and only got a 70% success rate, my second and third batch were watered w/ superthrive and got me a 100% success rate.

as far as I know vitamin B is a good supplement to promote rooting in plants. superthrive reeks of vitamin B. stronger roots, mean successful clones, and most likely stronger plants. (I'm gonna pick up another bottle to add to some of my freshly planted clones, see what happens). as for applying superthrive to my clones I used it in my PH balanced water to soak the rockwools, into the bubbler solution, in the mister and for regular watering to keep the rockwools moist. I'd definitely use superthrive again!


New Member
Most people use superthrive only in cases where a plant is lagging behind or sick. Usually superthrive will make them perk up and grow along with the rest of the plants. I have never really heard of superthrive making plants grow faster. In DWC plants can grow 6" a day so I think that would be hard to tell if the actual growth rate changed or in any medium really. I haven't seen anyone try giving superthrive to one plant and none to another as a case study. I think one of you should do it and make a thread out of it. It would be interesting to see. One of the main reasons why a lot of people don't use it every watering is because a lot of different strains don't respond well to superthrive at all and can render the plant rather than help it.
Exactly what i had in mind, there should be tests on all kinds of shit on here. MG, Organic, cheap vs. "top quality". Once i get some clones of some of my bitches ill try and experiment or two.


Well-Known Member
yeah somone will have to do a case study i was working on growing a few clones in red solo cups that might be a good experment use it on one and not the other


Active Member
Im about to see just exactly what this stuff does! I have some superthrive and some tiger bloom!! Lets get it poppin


Well-Known Member

The most interesting response I have ever heard for elaborating on DWC. Rep. :blsmoke:

Exactly what i had in mind, there should be tests on all kinds of shit on here. MG, Organic, cheap vs. "top quality". Once i get some clones of some of my bitches ill try and experiment or two.
Yeah if you do, definitely put up a thread on it. A lot of people complain about it hurting their strains. When you take a clone it should help it though. I actually use a miracle grow transplant nute for my clones and they start growing within a day.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Count me among the skeptics when it comes to "Superthrive". No analysis on the label? Plants naturally produce ample supplies of B1 on their own. I was going to do a controlled study with this stuff but lost interest as my plants grew extremely well without it. Has anyone seen a legit case study? I keep getting the image of some guy dragging around a wagon in the old West with the words "Dr. Suckerbornes' Magic Elixir" painted on the side but I could be wrong, anecdotal evidence may be all we need.