Best night of my life


Well-Known Member
Last night a friend and I hung out in my car in a parking lot outside of the movie theater. We totally forgot that we were there to see a movie. We blazed some hash and some fresh blueberry to top it off. We ate some burgers from In'n'out (maybe some of you westerners know the place, good shit). We were both baked so bad it's not even funny, I usually only get buzzed, this was by far the highest I've ever been. I had a 2 hr CD of trance music (slow solid beat) and we both layed in the front seats with it reclined playing with the power controls to make it rock back and forth really really slowly. Dudes, we were there for FOUR HOURS before we even started to come down (at least as far as I could tell), fucking had the engine running the whole time and the heat blasted, it must have been 100 degrees in there, it felt so good.

Highest by far I've ever been. I remember I was so high that I was halucenating, I thought there was a rat in my friends lap and ended up smacking his leg really fucking hard. It was funny shit. Best night OF MY LIFE. When I looked at him he looked like he kept getting bigger and was wiggling and kind of popped out of the background and shit, anyone ever experienced that shit before? Dayum.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, this is what is referred as 'Hotboxing', it's a common practice among those who want to get majorly stoned.

Try hotboxing with a gravity bong next time and you will get so blazed your thoughts in English will sound like a foreign language.


Active Member
Ah yes, this is what is referred as 'Hotboxing', it's a common practice among those who want to get majorly stoned.

Try hotboxing with a gravity bong next time and you will get so blazed your thoughts in English will sound like a foreign language.
Yea bud, we have a method of picking out the noobs; offer them a hoot of our preem-o honey oil. So far we have made one dude fall over mid-sentence and faint. Over a dozen people have fallen asleep in the middle of Halo rounds and shit. It's also a way to get as high as that dude every night :clap: