Thats what I'm say'n..Pink Floyd's The Wall blew my mind when I first saw it.Of course it's more of a pyscodellic thing ( I saw it on mesciline)...but still the best stoner movie ever.
Anything Monty Python (esp. Holy Grail)
said before but - Dazed and Confused
Dead Snow (lol@guy gonna chainsaw his....well you watch it!)
Zombieland (nut up or shut up!)
Scary Movie (only the Wayne Brothers versions..I think 1 and 2?)
In Living Color episodes....
Dave Chapelle Show
I'm Gonna Git You Sucka
And I actually like horror/zombie movies while token
Resident Evil
The Shinning (original..not some remake bullshit)
Freddy vs Jason (You mean you're not coming? It's not my fault this bitch is dead on her feet. )
Alien (all of them...even AVP)
ah and the list could go on and on and on....oh yeah...def 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up!