best method???? advice please


Im growing in 10x10 growlab tents. Everything has been gong ok but trying to increase the yeilds now as I have gotten the quailty where i like it. I have
4 xxxl 1000w hps
room temp is 72-76 with lights on
68-69 with lights off
House and garden nuts plus great white, cal mag and gravity
I have been using 40 plants tied over to bamboo. I just think that there might be a better method to doing it. Also do you think it is better to run less plants veg'd bigger and grown differnt maybe like super cropping will get bigger yields. Im pulling about one p per light but think it should be higher. There is always stuff on the bottom that doesnt finish because it get dark even if I trim them out which I read everyone has mixed opions on. Thanks for the advice Im excited to learn and constantly trying things but you guys seem to have much more experiance.


Well-Known Member
i run 2 1000's and a light mover for each one 1 4x8 for each mover and light making a total for a 8x8 side by side each 4x4 i put in 5 7.5gal containers with 6-8 week vegged plants depending on how fast they veg i step up from a bear cup to a 1gal to the 7.5's i top at 6inches high i acheive 2 main shoots by doing this early on i then train the two shoots of each plant to cover the room nicely then i veg and train till their 48 inches high each off shoot that is. I use supersoil and can pull in anywhere between 5-8 lb's with out co'2


So when you say 7.5's do you mean soil? Damn thats insane you get that much. How many plants do you use?


Well-Known Member
20 plants 5 per 4x4 making a 8 x 8 i have my thousands a foot and half away i can touch my aircooled hoods with my hands and 7.5gal pots about 5.5-6g of it is super soil the rest promix on the top


So you top then do you have to bamboo them or what do you use to train them. Do you grow them straight up?


Well-Known Member
yep straight up i use these sticks i get from the local nursery this a mirror of subcools method