Best legal high?

The Martian

Active Member
Hi All.
Fuckin Hell guys what the fuck are ya all takin????????????
Not done nothing Daft/crappy (lighter gas, glue, loads of crazy pills or bottles o' linctus) since I was like 16 -17 and brasick.
You'de be better off and safer on "propper" drugs.
Be The Fuck Carefull Fellas!!!!!!!
Ta Ta.


Well-Known Member
when i started this thread i didnt mean any dumb ass answers like spinning in a circle. i meant herbal highs like from herb websites. kava, dantura. shit like THAT not 5 year old "hey lets spin til we puke" i know you guys are being sarcastic but youre also the probably only ones laughing...


Well-Known Member
Sex. Exercise. Fast cars or motorcycles (on a track). Skydiving. bungee jumping.

Anything that get's your brain to let go of a bunch of endorphins at once.
On a totally serious note, not being dumb here...
So basically wouldnt most agree with me if I said the best legal high was getting high on "life"...
Because the things the above poster suggested are TRUE... All those things are WAY funner than any of those damn fake legal plants.
Adrenaline as a HIGH is almost second to none, even some illegal drugs. and its free if you go do some extreme sports or /sex/fast cars...whatever gets it going works.

Very neat thing and better than most other choices IMO.


Well-Known Member
You guys are crazy, poppy tea all the way wtf?... It's morphine and codeine and thebaine. It doesn't get any better than that for legal.

Bartleby Jones

Well-Known Member
On a totally serious note, not being dumb here...
So basically wouldnt most agree with me if I said the best legal high was getting high on "life"...
Because the things the above poster suggested are TRUE... All those things are WAY funner than any of those damn fake legal plants.
Adrenaline as a HIGH is almost second to none, even some illegal drugs. and its free if you go do some extreme sports or /sex/fast cars...whatever gets it going works.

Very neat thing and better than most other choices IMO.
Yeah, I was being very serious. Adrenaline is a great high and endorphins are what you brain releases when you do most drugs (not weed). If you go for a run your body will release endorphins to counteract the stress and bingo you feel high. Sex, same deal. We need to reproduce so your brain makes you feel good for having sex (coitus). The legal herb that they sell is BS.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the input. i get sex... love it... i like blowjobs too... i dunno what i would choose....

i wish there were a way to get both at the same time.


Well-Known Member
ok enough with the bullshit.. the best legal high would have to be salvia its prob themost potent halucinary drug out there and its legal! the shits insane watch some video on you tube and grab some

once you try it you will never do it again.. its that powerful and scary

Bartleby Jones

Well-Known Member
ok enough with the bullshit.. the best legal high would have to be salvia its prob themost potent halucinary drug out there and its legal! the shits insane watch some video on you tube and grab some

once you try it you will never do it again.. its that powerful and scary
Salvia is bullshit. It fucks you up but it's NOT least for me.

Bartleby Jones

Well-Known Member
Yup thats why i said once you try it you wont do it again
it sure is a religous experience though
Oh yeah, I was agreeing with you. I don't know if I'd describe it as religious as much as just being fucked out of your gourd. It's also not something to do alone as you might hurt yourself. That being said, your spot on. If you want to get super fucked up on something that's legal salvia is it. How fucked is it that weed is outlawed and this shit is OK? I'll stick with a bit of weed and the other activities to get my buzz on.


Well-Known Member
ok enough with the bullshit.. the best legal high would have to be salvia its prob themost potent halucinary drug out there and its legal! the shits insane watch some video on you tube and grab some

once you try it you will never do it again.. its that powerful and scary

are you kidding me?!i fucking love that shit! i used to do it til it was outlawed in my state. my friend actually made some once and HOLY SHIT!!! my eyes were closed the whole time but i saw a differnt reality and it seemed real....

i thought i was at a factory where they make wax people and i was one of them. but all the wax people werent alive yet cuz theywerent finished being made. but somehow i awoke too early and the owner of the factory (my friend who was sitting next to me) was trying to get me and kill me by throwing me in a hot barrel of wax to melt me cuz "i found out the secret to life". so i was running and running...

then i slowly woke up

weird thing is i smoked it sitting down in the garage and i "woke up" from my trip in the back yard starring at the night clear sky...

i loved it... is acid like this i been wanting to do it for years!!

Bartleby Jones

Well-Known Member
are you kidding me?!i fucking love that shit! i used to do it til it was outlawed in my state. my friend actually made some once and HOLY SHIT!!! my eyes were closed the whole time but i saw a differnt reality and it seemed real....

i thought i was at a factory where they make wax people and i was one of them. but all the wax people werent alive yet cuz theywerent finished being made. but somehow i awoke too early and the owner of the factory (my friend who was sitting next to me) was trying to get me and kill me by throwing me in a hot barrel of wax to melt me cuz "i found out the secret to life". so i was running and running...

then i slowly woke up

weird thing is i smoked it sitting down in the garage and i "woke up" from my trip in the back yard starring at the night clear sky...

i loved it... is acid like this i been wanting to do it for years!!
WOW.... As I said, this shit is fucked up. Acid is cool and you're MUCH more in control. I don't like to be out of my fucking mind but it's cool if that's your trip.


Well-Known Member
on salvia youre not a human being.... youre an enigma. thats the best i can describe it in one sentence. i love it. escaping from the chains of your body.


Well-Known Member
Strange noone bought up diet pills, when I was still young and hanging out with my recless friends we would buy packets of Nobese or whatever was on the shelf on days we wanted to go out but didn't have money for drugs.

Its like a dirty amphetamine... I say dirty because you feel dirty like you do the morning after acid... but not all bad... provided you don't take too many... at which point you will see people walking down the street covered in flames...


Well-Known Member
haha flames? that reminds me of a memory....

my friends dad smoked salvia started freaking out and thought he was on fire. he proceeded to chase his youngest son around the house and backyard yelling at him to put him out and saying why are you letting me burn!! haha this guy is big too. lol like atleast300 and his son is like 130.

like thompson once said "you can turn your back on a person but you can NEVER turn your back on a drug"