Best Job EVER!


Active Member
I was hoping to get some reasons that you think your up to take the dispensary challenge. What would you put on your resume?


Active Member
I was hoping to get some reasons that you think your up to take the dispensary challenge. What would you put on your resume?
Too bad it's just to check out the dispensaries, and not be a taste tester:eyesmoke:

A PI backround probably wouldn't hurt, as they want someone to see if the establishments are "shady" and if they are treating their customers right.


Active Member
Dude, you know that they are going to get HOOKED up. Lets pretend you owned a restaurant, and the #1 critic is there. Are you going to let him leave hungry? I didn't think so!


Active Member
I want to be a "narcotics consultant"for tv and film. The movie "Jesus's Son" lists one in the credits. Basically you tell writers and actors how a drug user would ingest the drugs...then you describe how the user would look, act and feel - all to give the story a more realistic edge.....

That's my dream job.



Active Member
I want to be a "narcotics consultant"for tv and film. The movie "Jesus's Son" lists one in the credits. Basically you tell writers and actors how a drug user would ingest the drugs...then you describe how the user would look, act and feel - all to give the story a more realistic edge.....

That's my dream job.

So you go in and say..."your hitting that bong all wrong, let me show you!". That would be a good job. Although you can't load it right there on the set. It is hollywood, so I guess you could.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I am a documented med user who is a free lance writer in training. Lol, now if I could just get a job to get my sense of humor back.


Active Member
You mean Sinse humor. get it sinsemilla. I know not funny.

You should apply man. I have a friend that works there, and he says it a great place to work.


Active Member
So you go in and say..."your hitting that bong all wrong, let me show you!". That would be a good job. Although you can't load it right there on the set. It is hollywood, so I guess you could.
In the movie Jesus' Son...they shoot up heroin, gobble hand fulls of pharmaceuticals and (yes) smoke pot. It's all very real and alot of it is happening from the perspective of the character - like when he's on speed everything is really bright and sharp.

I'm assuming the narcotics consultant showed them how a real junkie hits and what his set up looks like...then...what a person who has combined valium, barbituates and amphetamines may behave like and (yes) how a true stoner hits a bong along with some common phrases and stoner talk that a non-stoner may not know.

All in dream job. You definitely need a well rounded education in drug abuse - which would be the only time I wouldn't have to lie about my education!



Active Member
Wow, and my dad said I wouldn't go anywhere after high school. Well Ill show him. I'm going to take my experience and teach people how to act like a crack heads! LMAO!

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I drank a fifth a day of vodka a day and captain jack saprrow is really how we alkis moved in the day after a long long binge. Like months. Seriously they got the hands just right. It is like you got to keep control, and the shakes and the coming down is fricking hilarious with the hands. Lol. That is a cool job. I wonder who was the advser in pirates. I just thought it was all common knowledge, I had no idea a dude did it personally. I have abused it all too. I want that job. I am sober mostly now, lol.