Best GPS for guerilla growing?

why would you need a gps you don't have a good sense of direction? just use your mind its safer you get caught out there with a gps there going to find every plant you have. if you have a really bad sense of direction get a map and a compass but don't mark your grow spots on the map just remember where they are.
Looks like smart money would not go towards a GPS. Now you have more money for seeds and grow gear. lol
I have used a map before, it got me robbed. Long story... many lesson's learned from it. I marked the patches my car got robbed thought nothing of it when I couldn't find the map but the friggin' tweaker's musta got curious and followed the map. Hence why I planned to encrypt the SD card.

I have a decent sense of direction but memory issues and HORRIBLE eyesight (I can't see more than 10 ft in front of me past dusk much better in daylight though.) I thought a gps would be helpful as I want to do small small small patches but very far from each other in relatively remote locations. Last time I did that lost 2/3rd of my crop to changes in nature putting me in a position where I can't remember how the heck I got to my tiny patch. I dunno I guess I will have to rely on my partner even more to help me remember where everything was put. Not the news I was hoping for but alas se la vie.

Thank you very much folks, advice appreciated.