Best germination method


Well-Known Member
Eh? You sent me asking about who someone was. I sent you a few explaining the situation regarding that. And i genuinely do not know why peoples names are in red or capitals, the guy who i asked you about posted in a very similar style to one of the trouble makers i thought. Now all this nonsense is making me paranoid to talk to anyone on here, in case it is one of them.


New Member
Eh? You sent me asking about who someone was. I sent you a few explaining the situation regarding that. And i genuinely do not know why peoples names are in red or capitals, the guy who i asked you about posted in a very similar style to one of the trouble makers i thought. Now all this nonsense is making me paranoid to talk to anyone on here, in case it is one of them.

paranoia will annoy ya.



Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha. Not. So that will be me next on your hitlist to get banned first robin. Now me. You heard it here folks. This guy is friends with you for months, then just like that he will turn on you. Stuck my neck out and this is what i get. Cant help thinking that i have been a mug. I think you brought all this upon yourself by the way you are. Thats it, end of, keep your snide comments to yourself Luda.


New Member
Ha ha ha. Not. So that will be me next on your hitlist to get banned first robin. Now me. You heard it here folks. This guy is friends with you for months, then just like that he will turn on you. Stuck my neck out and this is what i get. Cant help thinking that i have been a mug. I think you brought all this upon yourself by the way you are. Thats it, end of, keep your snide comments to yourself Luda.

no idea what you mean ??????????.



Well-Known Member
Imo if you are in a hurry to ruin perfectly good expensive seeds use paper towels. If you want to grow healthy seedlings bigger and quicker use jiffy plugs or rapid rooter plugs. If i was growing bagseed i would use paper towels to check the viability of the seeds.


Well-Known Member
i just put a super lemon haze in a A-OK pea-pot thing for a bucket hydro system, and its 2days in and its sprouted. im pretty pumped lol. Planted 9-2-09. now its 9-4-09 and its prolly almost an inch long. p.s. getting 5.5ph w.o a kit is damn near impossible ;)


Well-Known Member
i just put a super lemon haze in a A-OK pea-pot thing for a bucket hydro system, and its 2days in and its sprouted. im pretty pumped lol. Planted 9-2-09. now its 9-4-09 and its prolly almost an inch long. p.s. getting 5.5ph w.o a kit is damn near impossible ;)
sounds good mate. I suppose if you growing hydro you got your own ways of germing your seeds? Dunno a thing bout hydro though!


Well-Known Member
I thinks some people have stock in these Jiffy Plugs and rapid rooter crap.
two pieces paper towels and one to cover the seeds lightly covered with plastic wrap,,soak em' in put em' in a dark spot,,room temp, check them next day keep em' wet and they will all sprout in a day or two...yea,,If you a profesional with hundreds of seeds go commercial:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I thinks some people have stock in these Jiffy Plugs and rapid rooter crap.
two pieces paper towels and one to cover the seeds lightly covered with plastic wrap,,soak em' in put em' in a dark spot,,room temp, check them next day keep em' wet and they will all sprout in a day or two...yea,,If you a profesional with hundreds of seeds go commercial:leaf:
each to their own. Have used paper towels and had quite good germ success to lose the odd one to transplant shock. Since using jiffy plugs i have went to 100 percent germ with none lost to transplant shock. The results i have had put me rather in favour of the jiffy plugs. Will just have to agree to disagree.


Well-Known Member
each to their own. Have used paper towels and had quite good germ success to lose the odd one to transplant shock. Since using jiffy plugs i have went to 100 percent germ with none lost to transplant shock. The results i have had put me rather in favour of the jiffy plugs. Will just have to agree to disagree.
I agree:peace:


Well-Known Member
sounds good mate. I suppose if you growing hydro you got your own ways of germing your seeds? Dunno a thing bout hydro though!

meh germinating is germinating to me. they all do the same thing, just some are quicker at times than others. i just put mine in the peapot thing so i wouldnt have to move it and can just go right in the bucket when needed. Like dropping a seed in the ground and calling it good lol.


Well-Known Member
this is still goin??? its fukkin germination.. i think shes probly already germed them by now anyways... must not be any good threads made in the past week
yeah got 100% on the paper towel lol gonna try the propogator thing next time