And what's different to my statement and what I've quoted? "closest to Jack Herer", including it's not the same strain...
I just said, that Sensi doesn't have what you call Jack Herer. It's Shanti and Nev who did the work, and selected proper parental genetics to create this strain again. Sensi crossed in some "random" male nobody knows about, and was never selected by Shanti/Nev. So if someone is asking for best Jack Herer genetics, I would recommand the original breeder, and not some mordern money making factory like Sensi. They get money for the name of stains, which they don't have the parents anymore (thats going on now for 20 years!). They just sell "random" genetic under the original names...
Have a look into mns forum, there you can see that neither Shanti, nor Nev have anything good to say about Sensi. So why recommanding Sensi, when the original breeders and their work are still avaible?