Best Game While Stoned!


Active Member
anything for super nintendo really, especially donkey kong country (i named my bong after the last boss, "King K. Rool) and super mario world!


Active Member
Resident Evil 4 has me laughing my ass off when baked. Just the way the zombies talk and shit, and the creepy dude who sells you shit reminds me of this old dude I bought pot from back in the day.


Well-Known Member
I've been playing rock band stoned. the other night I was doing well playing drums. it helped that I was out of it, just going with the music. then I smoked a little bit more and I was to out of it. lol. I got 98% playing flyleaf on guitar medium. creep and say it aint so are my fav's. I played so much, I got a blister on my thumb.


Well-Known Member
chess is always good. monopoly is fun with a nice blunt or two going around. i also am a big soccer player so i enjoy going out with a couple of my stoner soccer buddies and juggling the soccer ball around blazed outa my mind. i swear sometimes i feel like i can concentrate on just keeping the ball up better than when im not blown out of my mind haha


Well-Known Member
I remember when I was just starting with drugs and marijuana. I would plan stuff out all day thinking to myself "Man when my parents goes to sleep its going to be sweet! I'm going to take a bunch of Flexeril and smoke a few bowls and play some Final Fantasy X from start to finish!!"(best game to play while fucked up btw) Then when time comes around, I would pop the flexeril, smoke the bowls and load the game. By the time I got my game loaded, the cyclone hit me and I would be drooling all over my controller, trying to coherently spell a charecters name.

When im high, I don't like to play games, I like to study. I swear, marijuana helps me focus better than my Ritalin.


Well-Known Member
Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mario Party 8, Resident Evil 4, Paper Mario (the first two), Super Mario Galaxy, Starfox 64, Gran Turismo 3, Call of Duty 4, Super Mario 64.


Active Member
I pop in the warcraft III frozen throne disk and play Dota.

Any stoned Dota players in RIU? Also NBA 2k whatever is my shit, who wants to get smashed?


Well-Known Member
i play on pc only

Eve-Online MMORPG


vista card games

thats about it, i love eve-online been playing for over two years. did have a WOW trial and well played it for around 10 mins never again will i taint my machine with that rubbish.