best food to eat while stoned?


Well-Known Member
Ha you should have looked at all the other munchies threads. But since you made it anyway I suggest a peanut butter and banana sandwich with a big cup of milk.


Active Member
you guys really like peanut butter and milk.

When I am super baked, my sweet tooth kicks in, so say goodbye to that entire sleeve of chips ahoy, dunked in milk of course.


Well-Known Member
lol peanut butter is just sooo good when you are high, or, you could make real food.


Active Member
What to buy:
1. Garlic and Herb Triskets
2. Stick of pepperoni. Can't be the precut bag as the size of the slices are for people who don't smoke pot.
3. Mozzarella slices
4. Marinara sauce

Prepare (get someone else as remember, you're high):
1. Preheat oven 375
2. Layout Triskets on aluminum foil wrapped pan
3. Place a Trisket sized piece of mozzarella on top of each trisket
4. Place ultra thick piece of pepperoni on top of cheese
5. Now one more piece of cheese on top
6. Bake 5-10 minutes (remember, someone else as you'll burn it, stoner)
7. Take out of oven, (turn oven off you baked piece of shit)
8. Dunk in sauce, chew. Oh my god.

It's wet, dry, chewy and meaty. Jesus Christ, gotta run to store. Bye.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Peanut butter, banana and marshmallow cream, between two pieces of toast and chocolate milk to wash it down.


Well-Known Member

buy good beef, hacked up into tiny pieces(forget the name,)

fry it on a pan in oil, add some black pepper and season all (or some spicemix you like with that sorta meat)

fry its till its brown, making sure to get all those chunks out of the beef(its usually pressed together when you buy it)

then when its brown to your satisfaction, add a cup of water and quite a bit of ketchup (tomatosauce)

then add alot of cheese to the mix, it should melt nicely in, i personally prefer to add alot (whatever kind you like and if you dont, dont)

put the heat on low, now start the spagetti.

instructions for spagetti are on the wrappings :) simple shit. spagetti done in 8 mins or so is just about perfect for the beefstew to be ready.

stir the beef occasionally about every time you stir the spagetti.

the whole process should take about 20 minutes, give or take 5. probably take.

then just strain the beef as you would the spagetti (if all the water hasnt boiled off)

add some ketchup and parmesan and some spices if necessary and enjoy :)

list to buy

beef (really any hacked beef you like)


spagetti (preferably at least 5 minute or more 8)

spices (i prefer black pepper with bullbeef. and "season all" or similar (spiced salt) tastes great with this,but you could use hot pepper or something else, or skip the strong spices and just use the seasoned salt. or something else lol, but the first mix i recommended tastes great. specially with the cheese added)

cheese, any kind that melts and you like, though id advise not to buy that fake cheese (made from plants or whatever its called) doesnt melt or taste right, some might like it)

its good to have a pretty fine mesh strainer if you dont have one, they are pretty cheap (lol and of course ya need a pan, pot and some cooking oil and water :D :) lol)