Best flowering Fertilizers, Nutes & Additives For Coco Fibre RTW system


Hi Guys,
Very close to switching to 12/12 and was wondering of any good suggestions for flowering/blooming nutes. So far have been using the H&G line with Algen extract, Roots excel and amino treatment and at 6.5 wks.
Not sure if anyone has some experience with the same nutes and can point me in the right direction. Have bought a pot ash for flowering but have not researched flowering nutes a lot to date.
I know H&G have a Top Booster & Bud XL in their range so was wondering if anyone has used them before and their thoughts..??

Any advice will assist this first timer a little...

Bye. :-P


Well-Known Member
i use General Hydro 3 part and Sugar Daddy whenever feeding. I also use MOAB and Cal Mag but not every feeding


Active Member
Hmm someone should do a poll on this! I too want to know the official RIU consensus on what the majority of us use? Ive used nothing but fox farms and I have gotten some frosty buds! but with my new tent I was thinking either coco or hydro(bubble buckets vs. waterfarms vs. ebb and grow) wanna try new bloom line!


Active Member
been using the 6/9 schedule with GH mixed down to 900ppm. Using Crystal Burst(2.5ml), Cal/Mag(10ml), and a dash of hygrozyme. Satisfied so far..


Though I'm on my first grow I use a nute called Medi-one it's an organic nute that is one part from start to finish with a 5-5-5 ratio. I put a little bit of fiji water in every now and then for calcium n magnesium and that has done me great so far.
use it in my coco for exactly what you're talking about a drain to waste. Just trying to give as much input possible.
good luck good grow.


Well-Known Member
Just use the H&G line. Pick up the bud Xl, top booster and some shooting powder and you're set. Top Booster you can get a smaller bottle of since it's only 1 or 2 weeks and each packet of shooting powder does 25 gallons. I ran the line for 4 harvests in a 4kwatt room and loved it.

Grow Safe