best ethnobotanical that works?


Well-Known Member
so ive been to ALOT of sites with them and i wanted to plant and grow or at least try an extract of some kind. my question is which one works the best? i see alot of kratom, wormwood, cacti and such but what actually works?
ive done kratom in caspsule form and tea. capsules will open in your throat and make you burp up the brown powder. not very fun when that happens. but if you dont burp after a few minutes you mainly feel energetic and ready to work. ive taken 16 capsules once before work. i think that weighed out to 8 grams. and at first i felt really wired but then i puked. that was the last time i did it.

with the tea it tastes like SHIT and thats an understatement. but the effects are different. with the tea you get a more euphoric feeling. i like this "high" better. some people boil the ea down to a shot glass amount. i tried this once but i left the room for a second and when i came back i accidentally boiled all the water off. so i never tried it...
You are TOTALLY speaking my language here....

Kratom is THA SHIT!!! It's NOT an opiate, however, it hits opiate receptors, and makes you feel like you took a couple hydrocodone. Similar affects, constipation, shit like that. And it does have withdrawl symptoms too, if you take extracts and use it heavily. Kratom has been used by many people getting off of opiate pain killers. Unfortunately, kratom extracts will raise your tolerance EXTREMELY fast. You do not wanna use extracts if it all possible. That will really fuck up yourself. If you take extracts, you will have worse withdrawl, even if you don't use it daily. I strongly suggest first time users to start with what's known as "Bali" kratom. That is commercial grade - it's middle of the road, cheap, and it works awesome. Thai (Maeng Da, Old School Thai, Red Vein Thai) is probably the strongest, most potent stuff. Maeng Da is a special hybrid type, and it's the strongest non-extracted kind you can get. It's typically pretty expensive though. Malaysian (Super Green, or Super Yellow) is known for having more of a sedating, euphoric sense about it. I have very little experience with malay. Indonesian (Indo) I have no idea how it is, other than it's by far the worst tasting stuff. Using kratom is known as "burning," and the effects of it are known as an "aroma." Since it is incense, you know.
There are several ways to take kratom, the most popular being "Toss n Wash" (TnW) or Shake and Chug (SnC) They are both exactly what they sound like. Toss and wash is when you take your spoon and dump the kratom in your mouth, and just swallow it down with juice. Shake and chug (my personal favorite method) is using a capped bottle of some sort, putting your kratom in it along with your mixer, shake the shit out of it, and drink it down. I recommend using a straw at the back of your throat, and just gulp it down as fast as you can. Mix it with whatever you want, just know that it tastes like shit. I've heard people use milk, powerade/gatorade, orange juice, grapefruit juice (supposedly a potentiator) plain water.... Do NOT use soda - it will foam up like a bitch and just be a general pain in the ass. Not cool at all. I use orange juice. Do not mix kratom with MAOI's as it can be lethal. Yes, creepystevie is right - if you take too much, you will vomit. A LOT. And you won't be able to stop until you just go to sleep or lay down. Don't try and eat anything, you'll just keep puking. That sucks, very very badly. Kratom on an empty stomach will give you your affects within 15 minutes. Start small - 2 tsp. or so. If you don't feel anything after 45 minutes, take some more. Too much will make you sick, remember. I've been using kratom for about 6 months now, and if you're interested in the good vendors, and good stuff, send me a pm. Stay away from ebay, or any commercial or name brands. You really need to get it from one of the private vendors, they will send you free samples, some offer overnight shipping, and it's much better quality than Purple Sticky or international oddities or anything. I know of 3 awesome people, and I use all 3 of their sites on a regular basis. All they sell is kratom, so it's great. Each one has unique blends of their own, some of which I am not familiar with. But it's a cheap enough habit for me to enjoy.

I've tried a few other ethno's with absolutely no results at all. That's blue lotus, kava, kanna, and yohimbe. I didn't get any noticeable affects from these. Kratom is by far the best, cheapest, most effective legal highs out there. I love that shit. A lot.....

p.s. you can make a tea out of it if you'd like, however, a lot of people feel that this is a waste of your kratom since it's typically active at 3 grams or less, but you need almost 20 grams for one cup of tea. And it's a long process to do. I highly recommend TnW or SnC, with a straw. The taste is not that bad IMO, but it's something you need to be acquired to. And once you puke from it, the taste will be not so good anymore. Kinda like when you puke liquor - you generally don't drink that kind anymore because you can still taste/feel it spewing out of your nose. But, it'll pass and you'll know you just used too much. You can combat the nausea by smoking a bowl. Ah, smoking... Don't smoke kratom either. You can, but its really harsh on your lungs, and u get less affects from ingestion. Please, if you have any questions or if you want more info, pm me. I love this stuff, and I'd love to get it more support. It's illegal in Thailand, Austrailia, and A few other countries too. As well as louisiana, Maine, Missourri, and I think theres one more state too but I'm not sure?
salvia divinorum is one that really works smoke the dry leaf in a bong two good tokes and your there.
the extracts are somthing else like d.m.t but far stranger!
imo, salvia and kratom are a wasted effort (if you're looking to get truly high). salvia has always been dark for me (not enjoyable), and kratom is a mild ethno. i like to talk to god, and find out if i'm screwing up or not :p.

try a san pedro cutting or several. grow some, eat one (or extract). trichocereus bridgesii is always a nice one too, usually much more potent than pedro. peyote is the greatest, but is a long term thing if you're growing yourself. with grafting, you could have mature buttons in 3 years. i must say, cacti are much more rewarding than just the drug; they become like pets.

shrooms are always cool too.

perhaps a mimosa for the ocasional dmt?
so ive been to ALOT of sites with them and i wanted to plant and grow or at least try an extract of some kind. my question is which one works the best? i see alot of kratom, wormwood, cacti and such but what actually works?

If you want something thats simple, but really effective then you can try this beginners technique with Rivea corymbosa (Ololiuqui) seeds. It will make you laugh your ass off and feel great for 5-10 hours (and experience a mild trip experience)!

Here's an extraction TEK I found in a torrent on TPB.


** Rivea corymbosa (Ololiuqui) Lysergic Acid Amides (LSA) Water Extraction**

Take the treatment in the morning on a day where you're going to be doing something fun but don't drive
your car yourself and have access to a bathroom for the first hour after ingestion in case you have a weak
stomach and need to throw up (I didn't have any nausea personally)

Let your wife and family know that you're using an alternative pain treatment so they understand why you're
laughing like a wild animal for 4 hours.

The seeds loose their potency with heat and age. Keep in a refrigerator until ready to use. I recommend
90-120 seeds if you want intense euphoria.

1: Boil 1/2 cup tap water (or start with distilled water)
2: Allow water to cool to room temperature
3: Place 100 Ololiuqui seeds into a sealed zip lock bag
4: Using hammer, crush seeds by hitting the bag with hammer until seeds are ground into a fine powder
5: Pour seed powder into water
6: Let the mixture sit for 2-12 hours; stirring occasionally
7: Using a coffee filter, strain the mixture into a tea cup
8: Throw away the filter and seed mush
9: Drink the tea and wait about an hour and a half for intense euphoria

(typical peak potency: 6-12 hours & several days of very pleasant after effects)

This is the traditional method of preparation going back thousands of years as performed by the Aztec shamans
(for religious ceremonies)

Don't ever take the treatment more than once in a 30 day period and don't consume any alcohol on it. Tolerance
is felt after each use so don't plan on getting the full effect once every 6 months or so.

Personal Note: Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose Seeds cause serious dizzyness and naseau. Stay the Fuck away from them. They just can't compete with rivea corymbosa seeds
will smoking normal powdered salvia leaves work? i know i wont trip but will it still have good effects? and whats the best way to take kratom if not smoked or put in tea?
will smoking normal powdered salvia leaves work? i know i wont trip but will it still have good effects? and whats the best way to take kratom if not smoked or put in tea?

kratom is very bitter, but imo, is best chewed (like the locals do...)
chew kratom? Ish... Well, maybe if you had a live tree with fresh leaves. Those can be hard to come by around here. It tastes absolutely terrible... Like I said in my post, the best way is Toss N Wash or Shake N Chug. Take a couple teaspoons of bali, pour in some orange juice, gatorade, water, whatever, do not use soda because it will just foam up terrible and it's pretty much impossible to take at that point. Stir it up, suck it down. Fast... On an empty stomach. Within 15 minutes you will feel like you just popped 2 percocets, and that will last at full strength for about 2-4 hours, with a taper lasting about 4-5 hours. I normally feel good for about 12 hours, and always have a great nights sleep after taking some. I currently have 5 different blends of it in my pantry, about 200 grams total of the stuff. I use it about every couple days. It's great stuff, pretty amazing if you asked me.
Get some San Pedro man, its cheap and its awesome, if you can hold down the tea, doing a A/B extract is expensive but worth it if your serious about knowing your dose, but 12in-18in is usually a medium dose(300mg-500mg).

Have fun ;)
will smoking normal powdered salvia leaves work? i know i wont trip but will it still have good effects? and whats the best way to take kratom if not smoked or put in tea?

from my experience no smoking salvia leaves alone wont work. but ive read peoples own trip reports on smoking just leaves and very low extracts and they still tripped hard. so its different for everyone. but for the most part id say no. ive done it and it didnt do anything.
Get some San Pedro man, its cheap and its awesome, if you can hold down the tea, doing a A/B extract is expensive but worth it if your serious about knowing your dose, but 12in-18in is usually a medium dose(300mg-500mg).

Have fun ;)

The only problem with this suggestion is that you don't know the potency of a cutting (if you get fresh San Pedro and not powdered). I got a 15" cutting some time ago, and did the boil down extraction. Never in my life had I consumed something so vial and disgusting (cactus slime is a taste you will NEVER forget) and compared to Mushrooms or even LSA containing seeds, it was really weak. Others have told me that they had amazing experiences with 15" cuttings so I guess I got unlucky with mine!

Not going to try that one again
Well I recommend trying again its a beautiful experience when you get it right.

yes potency in cactus varies widely but 12in-18in has always when done me well, when the preparation has been done correctly. There are other prepartions that are also easier than an A/B like an isopropyl extraction, which you will only have to swallow like 10 gel caps.

Yes the cactus slime is TERRIBLE but well worth it IMO, its a trial one must face before they are allowed to enter mescaline land, unless you put in the work to do an A/B.