Best/Easiest way to cause a Hermie?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to make an attempt at making some of my own female seeds.
I have a couple clones under 12/12 as we speak.

Do I just take them out of the closet at random times and throw it into a dark room until I see signs of nanas?
Any idea how long it takes to see results?


buy some colidial silver from your local farming or vitamin shoppe. spray them when you first see signs of flowering. spray on the bud sites you want the "nanas" to apear and be sure not to do the enitire plant because the places you spray are unsmokable. stop doing this until you see signs of sacks.

btw: they will be about 25 % feminized pollen. Pollinate another female with this and keep doing this imbreading and youll soon get 100% Feminized seeds.

hope i could help.

if you dont want fem seeds just turn on a light by your grow site and leave a little crack of light seeping through, (not too much). and youll get hermies. Make sure the light is on during the 12 off time. keep doing this all the way through :)))


Well-Known Member
whatever you do, dont buy it... DO, do what silusbotwin said.

MAke your own Colloidal silver,
THe link basically what you need to do, its an example of how crude a setup can be accomplish this...
For the silver, i ordered a .999 silver ingot off ebay, cut it in half cause i was broke and couldnt afford two..
A 9v battery or dc charger for like a cell phone, a wire (poistive and negative) go to seperate ingots. I used alligator tester clips you can get at walmart to connect ingot to wire(theres a clip on each end, its in the automotive section with the wiring) Dont let the clips in the water so those metals arent in the solution as well, only the silver. Leave it connected till the water changes to a dark color, should be high ppm's. Use distilled if your water isnt a real low ppm, like 20- 0r less.

And all the seeds will be female, in order to get a male you have to have the male chromosome. Two female chromosomes dont make a male.


Well-Known Member
Silus,yeah, I've heard of thaat method but never tried it. It just takes too long to complete. + rep for you though!

I'm looking to try it via light stress.


Active Member
light stressing is for ur first 2 to 3weeks of flower for 15 mins turn the lights on in the middle of the dark period then after it should produce nannas that will only carry female genes so u end up with fem seeds


Well-Known Member
Would it be possible to do the opposite? I'd like to put the plant in complete DARKNESS for a while every day during it's Light period.
Anyone tried it?
Reason being is that I only have one grow area and have multiple in flower. I don't want to be disturbing the other plants during night night


Active Member
no i dont believe that would work because the plant wouldnt be stressed like when its in the dark period when its producing the hormones that cause it to flower then when its in the light period its producing and storing energy i think if there still small enough u could just take it out and leave it under regular light then put it back in i know it would be a hassle but its only for 2 weeks