Best Design for my Space


Active Member
I want to turn my closet into a growroom, I was planning on doing a hydro grow. The closet is 2x7 x 7high

What would be the best light and growing system combo for this space, there is a 220v outlet in close proximity. I am going for the largest yield for that amount of space. I am willing to spend what it takes.



Well-Known Member
Buy yourself some small T5 fluorescents. You can pick these up at Any good pet store, they are often used to Light up fishtanks, and they come with a Reflector already made.

You'd probably have to do some DIY to it if you wanted to change the reflector.

If you can't afford that pop down to Walmart and check out the pet isle section.

I'd use T5s for Vegging your plants.

Check out the link below to see a really cool Micro Hydro grow, this may give you inspiration. Although you will probably want to go Bigger for yours, because you have the space.

You'll need an intake and outtake vent, with a oscillating fan on the inside to keep air moving.

Intake low, out take high. (out take high gets rid of the hot air at it's highest temp)

No need to do SCrog or LST because you've got the height to grow them tall.

I'd say veg untill they are 3.5 to 4 feet tall and then flower, remember, Your plant can double and sometimes tripple in height during flowering.

Hope all this helps you. :)


Active Member
I was more thinking along the lines of a big grow, I was planning on a 1000 watt mh/hps switchable system. This grow would not be for personal consumptions seeing as i don't smoke anymore...


Well-Known Member
well if the closet is 2 feet deep than i would def suggest getting a better light than some flouros specially if its 7 feet long. i would not mess with the hydro set up if oyu havent grown yet. its easy to mess up and if you do soil im sure it will turn out fine unless you almost want to kill your plants...its way more forgiving.
with the light a 1000 would def be enough light....but im sure that if you get a 600 it would work to....or maybe get like 2 if price isnt a problem for you. the reason i say this is with the light needing to cover 7 feet by 2 ft then like a 1000 will cover what underneath of it but it might not be able to reach the whole 7 foot distance. so maybe invest in 2 400w systems with air coolable hoods. then you hook one inline fan to the 2 lights and it should be able to pull all the heat from the lights out if you get the lights with the glass covered hood. then you dump the hot air out of oyur room through a carbon filter if your worried about smell.
a 424 6 inch inline fan should work and a 12 foot 6 inch carbon filter should work also. if oyu dont go with 2 of the hps systems use the same fan and filter for the setup but the 2 lights will give more light in the end cause it will cover more area. i would also do 2 plants deep by 7 long so oyu can fit in roughly 14 plants if you cram em in there but it should fit. veg em to about 2 ft tall and they should only get about will need room for the distance of the lights and also the distance between the bulb and the plants at the end...
i feel like i rambled if oyu have any questions of this jsut ask and i will ge tback to oyu as soon as i can grow enough green to make some loot but it might take some loot to get started ya know.
hope i helped


Well-Known Member
oh and also get the ballasts that can do hps and mh so oyu dont have to switch out light just the bulbs...or htg supply has these new dual arc bulbs that have the hps and mh arcs in em to give more of a broader color spectrum...either way you need to use the ballast for vegging and flowering or it will be way to much of a hassle....


Active Member
thanks a lot stovedro, thats exactly what I needed. I was thinking about growing white widow and another kind, what is an easy seller that yields decent amounts?


Well-Known Member
well strain is more of a touchy subject. i plan on doing what your doing that is selling some bud. most people on here are against it but i have no feelings either way ill be smoking the shit regardless but most of all im looking forward to growing it. with my research no matter what you grow man is gonna be some dank ass shit. i mean how many people do oyu know who actually get homegrown buds grown with seeds from oversea's ya know. but the one i was looking at are in the white family. i heard one of the downfalls with the white widow is its yields can sometimes be less than desired. i have looked at white rhino and k-train and trainwreck from greenhouse seed co. they seem to be legite to me but you cant order from them you have to go through attitude seed co.they sell greenhouse seeds with a little extra charge but they are greenhouse seeds and everyone seems to say nothing but good things about them.
i would also highly recommend feminised seeds. why risk the chance of a male when you can get a garunnteed female with 100% free from herming. thats my 2 cents.
i would look into a high yielding plant to start out with not looking at thc then look for more things to look at after that...try white rhino....heres the link
WWW.GREENHOUSESEEDS.NL - Green House Seed Co. Amsterdam Since 1985
as i said you need to order from attitude but greenhouse has more info on the strains including thc levels and such...very informative
good luck man and let me know what you decide about everything and if you need any info id be more than happy to try to help ya


Active Member
I think I will plan on doing three different strains, himilaya gold, big bang, and white widow. So will two 400w switchable HIDs be enough to cover my space? And I'll plan on just doing a soil grow because I don't have a lot of experience.


Well-Known Member
I want to turn my closet into a growroom, I was planning on doing a hydro grow. The closet is 2x7 x 7high
From your description it sounds like a standard closet with those bi-fold doors.
If this is the case, How are you planning on venting it?
If your thinking of a 12inch oscillating fan was all you were planning on using.
Then forget it....Your plants will suffocate and die.
Those small ass closets get hot...very hot.
You could setup a passive intake into another room then setup an exhaust blower, blowing outside a nearby window.

Plus, I hope you have an outlet inside there that's is on it's own circuit and has 20 amps at least.
Your going to be running some serious wattage, with all your lights, pumps, and fans. Forget about using extension cords, that's a good way to set fire to your house. It's happened to alot of people.
If it doesn't have an outlet inside the closet your gonna have a shit load of cords coming out of your closet.

Also, how do you plan on sealing off your closet. It's gonna seriously stink up the entire house, if you don't seal it off.

Just some things to think about, Believe me when I first got into growing, my bedroom closet was my first idea. But when I gave it alot of thought, I knew it would of been a huge pain the ass.


Active Member
yea i see where your comin from. the closet that i have is a pretty rinky dink set up, it does have those bi-fold doors like your saying but its almost a stand alone box because it was not originally in the room, it doesnt reach to the cieling and there is 2 ft clearance above the closet. im planning on venting and getting my intake from my room because it has a very high cieling so the heat shouldnt be too bad considering it will be in the winter and i have no central heat in the house, this will also serve as my heat source haha. anyway, i was also planning on mounting the ballasts on top of the closet so they wont add heat to the room. so in theory the only thing that will be in the growspace will be the hoods and bulbs. also there is a 220v outlet right next to the closet for some reason that works so im planning on using that for my power source. and forget the pumps and what not im just doing a soil grow to simplify things


Active Member
also, i plan on making a second door with plywood that would seal it off well so the carbon filter can do its work.


Well-Known Member
Well with that heat might be an issue that will make problems for you bro...but as long as you have an inline fan pulling air from the ballasts then you can vent it outside the closet and you should be fine...if not then well you might need a portable a/c or somethign along them lines if you do not want to make holes in the walls and shit ya know.
as for your strains you need to compare all of em together..i do believe the hamalyian gold is a strain that takes longer to harvest and also gets taller i do believe. i would make sure they are within the same amount of harvest time and height to have your plants closer in growth and completion. i mean you can do a longer strain but remember that youll have to wait for like 4 of those plants to finish them extra 2 weeks while the others are done...just a suggestion
oh and if you are really concerened about heat maybe you should look into somethign smaller than the 400w....ive heard of a 150 going around cheap and its on the first page of this.....or go flourescent but if you plan on heating your whole house up with it then you should be golden jsut some obvious ducting going through the room....heat is a big issue though and what will you do once summer hits....does it get hot where you live????
just wondering man making ya think of all possiblities and trying to think about it with you....sorry if i babbled


Active Member
Good point on the timing of harvest. I'll decide on strains after I get this all setup. I think I'll still use two 400watt lights, is that enough for my space? and the heat should not be an issue in the winter considering the ballasts will now be in the actual growspace, and if it becomes an issue i have a window a/c unit that i can use. i feel like the space is perfectly suited for growing, but i need to start setting things up to really get a realistic feel for it.


Well-Known Member
Well the 2 400 will def be enough light bro and where the 2 lights meet them plants are gonna blow the fuck up man. you will be very happy with the results..oh and your ballasts get digital if you havent already bro they are the best and a lot better to.
as with the heat im sure you will be fine it sounds like to me you should be golden bro. and like you said if it becomes to much than all you have to do is throw that window a/c in there ya know.
yeah jsut start setting it up and it will all flow together man. and yeah let me know what strains you decide to get bro and if you need help im sure people can give oyu a hand in deciding but you need to know what your looking for ya know
keep us posted bro and pics once you start or maybe of jsut hte closet so we can get a vision in our head ya know.


Active Member
Hi guys, I'm building a grow box inside my 2x7x7 closet as well.
But I have 2 x 1000w hps lights that I wanted to try making them work in there.
But sounds impossible now..

My question is, if Croenm13 and myself run a single 1000w hps, 6" or 8" blower, with maybe a lightmover to spread the light bi-directional.

1kw HPS w/ lightmover vs 2 x 400w HPS... what ya think?


Active Member
I wanted to do the same setup but I'm thinking in the end it will be a little more economical for me to do two 400w lights instead of 1 1000 watter becuase the light movers are pretty expensive. But since you already have the 1000 watt light maybe it would be better just to get a light mover. I could be wrong on this but those are just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
yeah man doing a light mover and all that shit is expensive and takes someone with some knowledge of building things themselves which i always assume the person acant as that is the majority of the people. but if you think you can do it and already have the 1000 watt than go for it man. and let us know how it ends up.
and yeah man with your 2 400w im so excited need to set that shit up and post some pics man. that setup is gonna make oyur plants fuckign explode!!!!!


Active Member
I'm basically doing the same thing, growing in my closet. This will be my first time attempting and was wondering what wattage I should use. I'm only looking to grow 1-2 plants. I have only 2'Wx3'Dx6'H of area to work with.