Best Deodorant?

you canuse incense resins, amber, lavender, frankensence and even nag champa! Use it for deoderant, hair, etc. Im not a hippy or anything like that either. You can also use salt rock deoderant which leaves no residue or smell.
My old man used that shit and it clogged up his sweat glands and caused an infection.

:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: LOL, Hey thats fuckd up ! :) How could something like that even happen :D ?

--- I love my mitchum..... using it since i grew hairs under my arm :eyesmoke: - doesnt have any smell to it..... So ya not this poor guy thats spraying some AXE over himself.. smelling like a bloody retard :)

hehehe :eyesmoke:
ya man i was gonna get the mitchum after what you said but the infection stuff scared me away. after looking i think im gonna go with some sort of old spice.
MMMM nag champa smells so good!You can buy nag champa soap on their website.I take the empty packages and use them as dryer sheets.
you canuse incense resins, amber, lavender, frankensence and even nag champa! Use it for deoderant, hair, etc. Im not a hippy or anything like that either. You can also use salt rock deoderant which leaves no residue or smell.