Best cupcake recipe!


Well-Known Member
So I needed to make weed cupcakes and I always failed with recipes. But this one is so easy and yet awesome!
2 cupcakes:
1 Egg white
2 tbsp. of sugar
2 tbsp. of melted cannabutter ( Make sure 1tbsp is a good dose)
1 tsp. Vanilla (Optional, but nice if you like vanilla)
1/4 cup flour
1/4 tsp. baking powder
Pinch of salt
A little bit milk to make the batter the needed consisteny (You gotta feel it, my rule of thumb "When pouring the batter in the forms, if some batter is left in the bowl and doesn't want to pour out, you made it the right consistency)

Mix egg white with sugar. Add vanilla, melted cannabutter, add flour, baking powder, salt. Mix it. Add milk. Bake it! :)
I know I wrote it somehwat complicated but it is easy.

I doubled everything and made 4 cupcakes, it worked even better than 2.


Well-Known Member
I watched a pretty easy brownie recipe very much like this one.. but single serving in a coffee cup cooked in the microwave. (tried it and it was easy and tasted kinda like a brownie muffin even had a muffin top..