russia makes good ops, mw2,bfbc2 - psn Konstrom - i am from Russia.
HAHAH YEAH nman! pretty much, bong hoot and split into the zone... when start sucking take anotherI get high and slip into the zone. I move from end of a map to the other driving my enemies before me and crushing their will to play. I am a natural born pixel killer. Right now Black ops gets the most play but I can still jump into any MW2 match and make my presence known. There is no need to talk shit or cry in the pre game lobbies. I will let my gun do the shit talking for me.
if your xbox send me your gt over pm and ill boss up with you. last night i went 44-3 on TDM.cod is where its at!..i talk mad shit in the lobbies ahahahahaha i love maken ppl mad in there i think its great! my gun skills never let me down! went 83-2 in a demolition map lastnight,BOSS!