Best Chem in seed form, one can actually get??


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, this topic has been asked and discussed ad nauseam I'm sure, but not recently from what I can tell.

What's the chemmiest Chem one can get from seed right now? And, one that can actually be had?? Often times folks will recommend stuff out of circulation or impossible to get stuff, which is fine, it's still a right answer per them. . .. but what about good and easily attainable stuff? Any rec's??
Hey guys, this topic has been asked and discussed ad nauseam I'm sure, but not recently from what I can tell.

What's the chemmiest Chem one can get from seed right now? And, one that can actually be had?? Often times folks will recommend stuff out of circulation or impossible to get stuff, which is fine, it's still a right answer per them. . .. but what about good and easily attainable stuff? Any rec's??
Probably Lucky Dog and Top Dawg, they go way back with the chems. I grew dogpatch (and have another tiny seedling started) from lucky dog and it was chem. You'll find lots of chem between those two and a lot of other breeders too. I think csi makes S1's and stuff like that.
Is CSI any good? I've read differing things. ...
Well I haven't grown any seeds from CSI so I can't say if they're good or not. And I've read mixed reviews as well. I know I've window shopped there and saw a lot of chem options. I'm trying to think who else has chems but I would still probably recommend 1. Lucky Dog and 2 Top Dawg as the ones that I would say if you really wanted chem.
i havent smoked a lot of chems and tbh only chem i smoked was dinachem from dinafem but i can tell good weed from the bad and its a wonderful plant resillient hardy fast growing hard dense nugs and potent af has a very distinct smell of gas and tropical fruit, burns the nostrils but also very sweet and addictive i can always distinguish that smell with my dinachem crosses too.

the high is also very well balanced starts cerebral and giggly with minimal body effect and stays like that as long as you’re toking then when your session ends it turns into a nice relaxing body buzz after an hour or so which helps you sleep. overall i’d probably give it a 9/10. but dinafem is not selling seeds anymore so i guess dinachem seeds are not available today.
for fems go with CSI.He has multiple crosses of chem x chem…just pick whichever version you’d prefer.I grew his Mud Dog(Chem 4 x Chem 91) and that was fire.Probably will do Chem 4 x Chem D or Chem 91 x Chem D next

for regs go with Lucky Dog.Alot of people choose Dog Patch but when I asked Skunkva he said Guerilla Fume was the best “chem in seed form” strain he had
for fems go with CSI.He has multiple crosses of chem x chem…just pick whichever version you’d prefer.I grew his Mud Dog(Chem 4 x Chem 91) and that was fire.Probably will do Chem 4 x Chem D or Chem 91 x Chem D next

for regs go with Lucky Dog.Alot of people choose Dog Patch but when I asked Skunkva he said Guerilla Fume was the best “chem in seed form” strain he had
Best .91 in chem form, but not chemd
csi is okay. he just slaps anything and everything together and you don't really know what cuts he's using
I'd go with Luckydog personally he puts a lot of work into his chems
Lol Csi is very well connected and been around for ages, cut his teeth growin any and all clone on lies and givin good reports. I mag in the heyday. He explains all his cuts in IG
Yeah as far as chems go, I'd go with top dawg/lucky dog for regs, csi humboldt for fems. I think top dawg has done more work with the chem family than any other breeder, and lucky dog has skunk va himself as a founder so you know shits gonna be right, and csi humboldt has basically every chem cut and does tons of fem crosses on the cheap, so it all depends on what route you wanna go with it