BEST Cheese Strain?


Well-Known Member
There exodus is a s1 of the original plant that spawned the exo cut the brightside that much is true its a good seedline in its own right but few and far between are the plants similiar to the cheese why i said earlier in the thread you going that route you would need a large number of s1s to hunt through funnily with breeding or s1ing with cheese the cheese type taste smell etc tend to come through better with hybrids vs s1s its a funny plant to breed with i guess in this regard imo best route would be is someone tried a recombinant inbred line with it but no ones tried that yet also mr brightside did have a bx line as well as his cut thats a clone only as well as a seedline called back to the cheese i dont think bxing alone is the best route myself either
Gave you a follow man you know your stuff. Would love to pick your brain sometime about breeding as it is something I'm completely new too that I am exploring. I know the terminology a bit but not exactly what's applied to get the different types for all; s1, f1, f2 etc

conor c

Well-Known Member
Gave you a follow man you know your stuff. Would love to pick your brain sometime about breeding as it is something I'm completely new too that I am exploring. I know the terminology a bit but not exactly what's applied to get the different types for all; s1, f1, f2 etc
Ok a f1 is the first cross of two totally unrelated strains ideally as that means it be even more vigorous f1s yield the best too in theory and your f2 is when you take those seeds you made from crossing your f1 seed plants with each other f2s are where the magic happens for breeding material especially males if you crossed them again that give you f3 and so on and on till eventually they so inbred that they be whats called an inbred line that means they breed true for certain traits btw no cannabis even ibls breed true for all traits cannabis is just not domesticated enough either to be so anyway but il not get into that yet and a s1 seed is when you take one strain and chemically reverse the sex and polinate it with its own pollen those seeds made are s1s you get accidental s1s when a herm thats viable pollenates itself or a neigbouring plant of course but thats a bit different as its accidental and those seeds will carry the herm trait chances are too theres a basic breakdown message me some time we can shoot the shit u wanna too man
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Well-Known Member
I'm gonna be real with you, don't waste your time growing cheese from seed. I was fortunate enough to know someone who knew someone growing the legit stuff from clones and I can honestly say it is the most pungent bud ive ever laid my hands on. The stuff you see called cheese grown from seed is not even close to the original. The real exodus cheese STANK. I'd be very surprised if there's anything even close to the original in seed form. Definitely stay away from Big Buddha and Kaliman, their cheeses are a joke. Reserva Privada are a legit breeder and I could imagine their confidential cheese is probably some dank shit but original cheese, I doubt you'd find it.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna be real with you, don't waste your time growing cheese from seed. I was fortunate enough to know someone who knew someone growing the legit stuff from clones and I can honestly say it is the most pungent bud ive ever laid my hands on. The stuff you see called cheese grown from seed is not even close to the original. The real exodus cheese STANK. I'd be very surprised if there's anything even close to the original in seed form. Definitely stay away from Big Buddha and Kaliman, their cheeses are a joke. Reserva Privada are a legit breeder and I could imagine their confidential cheese is probably some dank shit but original cheese, I doubt you'd find it.
Why u said stay away from kaliman. I ran his rockster cheese before and liked it. Not sure if it comes close to the original but it was Def pungent


Well-Known Member
If you cant get a cut ugorg seeds or kgbeans work when its in stock is good closest you will get to it in seed anyway you could pop a couple of hundred s1s but i think it take alot as with s1s the genes segregate and you end up with a bunch of cool phenos but not anything close to the cut ime so you probably need luck as well as numbers if you go that route another option is a good blue cheese some phenos in a good line of that can be close too
Just popped these gems!


Well-Known Member
To the people who say "don't waste your time growing cheese in seed" are so wrong. I grew 1 seed of big buddha cheese out of a pack of 5 and it was the strongest, funkiest, stuff i have ever grown and i could not believe it.

I knew it was special when in veg it absolutely REEKED!! the strongest most distinct smell i have ever had from a plant in veg. It smelt super skunky, funky, powdery, savoury, and what is my ideal cannabis smell. Here is another strange thing that even happened, in veg when it was REEKING it legit was growing something that looked like trichomes on the fan leaves. In early flower it didn't have that same skunky smell like it did in veg, but instead a DANK AF candy, fruity, typical dank aroma. Compared to the dinachem (smelt like straight catpiss mid flower btw), and pineapple express i also grew, it had the dankest smell in flower.

Now at first i thought it didn't look like it was going to smell anything like cheese, but towards end of flower that skunky savoury smell returned except this time actually smelling like CHEESE! i could not believe it, it actually smelling and stinking like CHEESE! once dried it smelt super cheesy, gassy when squeezed, wet mop, funky, funky smell! the terps on the dried bud were also super greasy, and if you just slightly touched the bud the smell legit clung to your fingers. After growing this plant i am convinced if you were to cross it with something else funky, you could no doubt bring back the RKS. This plant impressed me so much i was going to make a whole thread talking about it. That said, i've only grown 1 seed, who knows if i will be as lucky to get one as good.
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conor c

Well-Known Member
To the people who say "don't waste your time growing cheese in seed" are so wrong. I grew 1 seed of big buddha cheese out of a pack of 5 and it was the strongest, funkiest, stuff i have ever grown and i could not believe it.

I knew it was special when in veg it absolutely REEKED!! the strongest most distinct smell i have ever had from a plant in veg. It smelt super skunky, funky, powdery, savoury, and what is my ideal cannabis smell. Here is another strange thing that even happened, in veg when it was REEKING it legit was growing something that looked like trichomes on the fan leaves. In early flower it didn't have that same skunky smell like it did in veg, but instead a DANK AF candy, fruity, typical dank aroma. Compared to the dinachem (smelt like straight catpiss mid flower btw), and pineapple express i also grew, it had the dankest smell in flower.

Now at first i thought it didn't look like it was going to smell anything like cheese, but towards end of flower that skunky savoury smell returned except this time actually smelling like CHEESE! i could not believe it, it actually smelling and stinking like CHEESE! once dried it smelt super cheesy, gassy when squeezed, wet mop, funky, funky smell! the terps on the dried bud were also super greasy, and if you just slightly touched the bud the smell legit clung to your fingers. After growing this plant i am convinced if you were to cross it with something else funky, you could no doubt bring back the RKS. This plant impressed me so much i was going to make a whole thread talking about it. That said, i've only grown 1 seed, who knows if i will be as lucky to get one as good.
It might be good but a real cut will be better from seed is missing certain components to the flavour like theres a bit of tcp and berry hash backnotes in the proper cheese as well as the funk ive never came across a seed plant that has that element to it be it s1 or a hybrid also the stone some can be ok from seed or good but trust me the original has a good punch to it all real exodus cheese cuts has the tcp back note in the taste i think the berry hash note is exclusive to the brightside however and thats the original

conor c

Well-Known Member
Why u said stay away from kaliman. I ran his rockster cheese before and liked it. Not sure if it comes close to the original but it was Def pungent
I only know of one other guy who found good stuff in dr cocksters work that guy was full of shit lol tryed to say a female cheese cut spontaneously reversed into a true male yet before it on the forums was messing with a sensi skunk #1 x chèese bx line bubble burst lol good luck regardless just stating facts also theres a cut a grower named cos what i said he found it in his work he called it weapons grade cos i referred to dr rockster as a weapons grade dickhead and it stuck lol hope yours is ok the guys dead anyway mate case you werent aware dr rockster i mean


Well-Known Member
It might be good but a real cut will be better from seed is missing certain components to the flavour like theres a bit of tcp and berry hash backnotes in the proper cheese as well as the funk ive never came across a seed plant that has that element to it be it s1 or a hybrid also the stone some can be ok from seed or good but trust me the original has a good punch to it all real exodus cheese cuts has the tcp back note in the taste i think the berry hash note is exclusive to the brightside however and thats the original
With how cheesy mine smelt, i cannot imagine anything smelling even cheesier. It wasn't just a little bit of cheese, or "i think this smell a bit like cheese" no, it was straight up cheddar cheese mixed with funk. It also definitely had some berry notes to it. I still got a few seeds left from that pack, and hopefully the next one is as good. Imo, Big Buddha did an excellent job on his cheese strain. Unless i just got super lucky.


Active Member
I don't get the pessimism when it comes to finding a decent one from seed. Yes the original is special but with all the extras that can come with cuts these days a good representation from seed that is clean and reinvigorated would be great. I don't fancy HLVD or russets from these old cuts...

conor c

Well-Known Member
With how cheesy mine smelt, i cannot imagine anything smelling even cheesier. It wasn't just a little bit of cheese, or "i think this smell a bit like cheese" no, it was straight up cheddar cheese mixed with funk. It also definitely had some berry notes to it. I still got a few seeds left from that pack, and hopefully the next one is as good. Imo, Big Buddha did an excellent job on his cheese strain. Unless i just got super lucky.
Its not like cheddar id say real cheese smells more like mankey cheesey feet than a actual cheese some say parmesan even then its different also u got lucky also big bhuddas milo is dead so no more from him the company named so is ran by other people they used him for the name nun more he started another company called original big bhuddas family farms but then a bit later he passed away so now anything from either company wont be from him heard his family running the family farms one never tried those seeds tho only his older releases long ago there was some good stuff but not much all that close to the cuts ime i found more phenos in blue cheese vs his cheese x the kali seeds that were good and yes the cuts of proper cheese arent very uk friendly many got busted cos of that stench man
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conor c

Well-Known Member
I don't get the pessimism when it comes to finding a decent one from seed. Yes the original is special but with all the extras that can come with cuts these days a good representation from seed that is clean and reinvigorated would be great. I don't fancy HLVD or russets from these old cuts...
It be nice but sadly few seeds are close to the cuts unfortunately ime best ul get are in ugorg or kgbeans work in my experience seed wise mate
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Active Member
It be nice but sadly few seeds are close to the cuts unfortunately ime best ul get are in ugorg or kgbeans work in my experience seed wise mate
Yeah i get you bro. I ran Ugorg#1 some years ago when it first came out. Made some 'Luton Mess' with the lady i found. A decent smoke, very moreish she was. I've got some of KG's original BX1 and Psychosis crosses iirc. Chemists old Cheese x Smile and his original Hottie x Smile. First up is going to be the rest of the Ugorg#1 and a pack of Pyschosister. Just looking for a nice Sk1 to cross my Luton mess back to. The Confidential cheese i found was still the best from what i found so far from seed but as i said i lost her..