Best, Cheapest Set-Up for 120sqf room

Zeus Tomlin

New Member
I will be putting together a 120sqf grow room this year. I have only experimented with a few plants, so set-up wasn't necessarily difficult. Now that I am upgrading to an entire room, I do not know the most efficient way to fit and maintain the crops. Also, if I should go with LED lighting or HID lighting for such a large area. If anyone has experience with larger set-ups and could help with a rough blueprint of how to go about the set-up?


Active Member
First off how much money do you have to spend? A proper room that size will take at least a couple thousand dollars to get completely up and running. And what were your past "experiments"? Results?


Well-Known Member
Depends on whether you want "best", or "cheapest". Best = Cree 3590 COB-based LED's. Cheapest = hps, in between = CMH. Questions you'll need to answer like whether you're planning perpetual, or just one single room doing veg/flower, that'll drive use and modifications to the space, environmental controls would follow which will be driven somewhat by the lighting you choose. Lots of details to consider before you start building or buying.


Well-Known Member
Best money spent will be on a mini-split.

Focus on buying 12-24k depending on lights and location.

Don't skimp on that.

You can pretty much skimp on anything else and upgrade later.

- Jiji


Well-Known Member
My rooms around 100so ft I think ? 5.5X7
I use two 1KS and 8-6 fan reduced, I'd use two 600s though less heat, I can't get below 80 really