Best Buds for Anxienty Prone People?

Hi latuya,
I have been diagnosed with bi-olar for over 30 years now and for the last 10 years have been taking epival and effexor for social anxiety disorder. It works very effectively for me but I also find that weed helps a lot.
I do not know my strains but I did notice that this year I had a sativa. I know in the past I also have mixed different strains to get the kind of high that I need at the moment. This year I also mix my different strains even though I am not sure of what they are.
I do like the uplifting feeling of the sativas, BUT I have also found that some strains are TOO much of a head rush.
So thanks for the info. This is a great help in more ways than one.:blsmoke::peace:
My wife is bi-polar and takes clonazapam and phenobarbtal. She uses weed to keep from taking so much of those meds. I grew some Cinderella 99 that works really good for her. Not anxiety producing at all. A nice uplifting high. My last grow was 4-Way which worked also. I agree that the Sativa dominent strains will work the best. But another thing to keep in mind is being able to sleep. Often that uplifting feeling keeps your mind racing a bit and it becomes difficult to fall asleep. So I am also growing a Indica dominent strain that you can take to help your body relax and hopefully allow you to fall asleep sooner. This grow is not ready yet so I can't really tell you the results. But I will post them when I know If anyone is interested. Hope this helps.
There are sooooo many variables. Sativa or Indica and strain are just the tip of the iceberg.

What about genotypic expressions within strains. What about the effects of the growing process. There are so many different active ingredients in a plant and they discover new ones all the time. Do you think that the ratios of those compounds are stable from plant to plant within a strain? Even from bud to bud? Then there's the curing process. It has a major effect on the chemical expression of the plants genes. The way the herb is consumed matters too. Are you smoking it? Vaping it? Eating it? A suppository? Sorry I had to do that.

We haven't even considered the smoker yet. What is the root cause of her anxiety? How about her brain chemistry? Is it the same week to week? Day to Day? Even minute to minute? What is her state of mind when she's smoking? What''s her environment. How does her unique biochemistry tend to respond to the chemicals she''s ingesting. It's soooo fucking complicated.

You can't just say oh... you need a Sativa, or an Indica. I think the best advice is probably to say, you pays your money and you takes your chances, be careful, and pay attention to what your mind and body tell you. Once the smoker knows how a Sativa and an Indica effect her, she can begin to make more informed choices about what Indica or Sativa is best for her. Same with doses. I'm sure that, at best, finding the right meds for the right person is a long trial and error process. That goes for medicating with pot or medicating with prescription drugs. Ask any shrink or patient. It takes lots of work to get somebody regulated, and still more work to keep them regulated over time.

I guess what I'm saying is that it's pretty much a crapshoot. Which is probably why many people don't want to see pot used as a medication. Fuck them... but you gotta see that side of the argument to move things forward.
agreed, but in my case i have tried countless amounts of perscriptions and have found a mixture that keeps me balanced out.

indica and sativa can do different things for different people and i understand the harvesting progress.. i think i will try to harvest now accord to the above picture post just for a test! :)

anyways, it works for me. i know it won't for all... but perhaps sticking to different strands will help them out since they are so different!

rock on
Hi Chronicle,
I agree with you in that it is very heartwarming to see others offer advice and their own personal experience. Especially considering the social stigma that is related to psycological disorders. :-|
It very courageous for anyone to come forth and put themselves out there, not for pity but in hopes that it will help anyone else with similar disorders.:mrgreen:
I think the more people that come forth and contribute will open the doors for others, who may or may not already be here.:blsmoke:
Those strains you suggested sound wonderful. I don't know my strains at all but last summer I got some fantastic weed that had an amazing high and had a grapefruit like taste. I couldn't quite put my finger on what the flavour was until I read your post and realized it was grapefruit..
It was awesome. I wrote thse 2 strains down and will look out for them.
If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the seeds from chronicle?:roll:

i actually didnt grow the goo, a buddy in northern cali grows it - but ive gotten about 3 seeds out of about 2 ounces so maybe i can get it growing! it stinks really bad, like REALLY bad so id be even more sketched out than i am now growing powerplant :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
I think most of the people here talking about bi-polar have experimented on not only different strains BUT also, different meds. I find most doctors want to over-prescribe to people with mental disorders because it makes their job so much easier and lowers their insurance rates.:?

I take everything into consideration. I even went as far as getting a degree in nutrient to help myself with this disorder because there are a lot of things that influence our brain chemistry like: aspartan and artificial sugars, food colours (particularly RED) whereas omega 3 acids are very helpful and so is a gluten free diet regardless of whether you are celiac or not.

There are so many things that affect people with bi-polar disorder but I find most people that I have met with bi-polar disorder that have had it for some time, know themselves better than some that do not.

I also agree that it depends on when you harvest but that also is an individual thing, just like someone without it.
Most of the strains I have smoked, I haven't known what type it s been BUT I do know how it affects me once I try it and take that into consideration when I choose my weed.

Mixing different strains works regardless of whether you know the strain or not.
Finding the right meds IS a VERY long process of trial and error. With all the different strains out there I couldn't disagree with you more. There are so many different strains out there that it actually is making it easier for people like us.

I've been diagnosed with bi-polar for over 30 years now and been smoking about that long as well. :blsmoke::peace: Because the general public and medical community know so little about this info, THAT is what is slowing the entire medical establishment down. All they know is what they look up in their books.:-|

There are sooooo many variables. Sativa or Indica and strain are just the tip of the iceberg.

What about genotypic expressions within strains. What about the effects of the growing process. There are so many different active ingredients in a plant and they discover new ones all the time. Do you think that the ratios of those compounds are stable from plant to plant within a strain? Even from bud to bud? Then there's the curing process. It has a major effect on the chemical expression of the plants genes. The way the herb is consumed matters too. Are you smoking it? Vaping it? Eating it? A suppository? Sorry I had to do that.

We haven't even considered the smoker yet. What is the root cause of her anxiety? How about her brain chemistry? Is it the same week to week? Day to Day? Even minute to minute? What is her state of mind when she's smoking? What''s her environment. How does her unique biochemistry tend to respond to the chemicals she''s ingesting. It's soooo fucking complicated.

You can't just say oh... you need a Sativa, or an Indica. I think the best advice is probably to say, you pays your money and you takes your chances, be careful, and pay attention to what your mind and body tell you. Once the smoker knows how a Sativa and an Indica effect her, she can begin to make more informed choices about what Indica or Sativa is best for her. Same with doses. I'm sure that, at best, finding the right meds for the right person is a long trial and error process. That goes for medicating with pot or medicating with prescription drugs. Ask any shrink or patient. It takes lots of work to get somebody regulated, and still more work to keep them regulated over time.

I guess what I'm saying is that it's pretty much a crapshoot. Which is probably why many people don't want to see pot used as a medication. Fuck them... but you gotta see that side of the argument to move things forward.
no worries chronicle. thanks all the same.
The only goo I have heard of is 'bud goo' but thats a whole different story. :lol:

If you only have 3 seeds then if I were you I would grow one seed at a time and take some 1st generation clones. You could really stretch it out without losing its properties.

You could have all kinds of little goo goos. :blsmoke:

Did I mention I was childish?:roll::mrgreen:

i actually didnt grow the goo, a buddy in northern cali grows it - but ive gotten about 3 seeds out of about 2 ounces so maybe i can get it growing! it stinks really bad, like REALLY bad so id be even more sketched out than i am now growing powerplant :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
hahahahaha.....hey Lacy ...I remember that...the BatBUDGoo....BTW - did you see in that list of strains...there something called BlueGoo (Strainbase Viewer) ? I laughed when I saw that!
no worries chronicle. thanks all the same.
The only goo I have heard of is 'bud goo' but thats a whole different story. :lol:

If you only have 3 seeds then if I were you I would grow one seed at a time and take some 1st generation clones. You could really stretch it out without losing its properties.

You could have all kinds of little goo goos. :blsmoke:

Did I mention I was childish?:roll::mrgreen:
Oh wow tahoe. That sounds too good to be true.
I just love the name of some of this stuff.
I wish I could be the tester and weed namer.
Can you imagine having a job like that?:mrgreen::peace:
Cue Tahoe. thanks
hahahahaha.....hey Lacy ...I remember that...the BatBUDGoo....BTW - did you see in that list of strains...there something called BlueGoo (Strainbase Viewer) ? I laughed when I saw that!
So I guess it's safe to say anxiety prone people should let their buds grow and grow and grow, don't harvest them bitches too early, or you'll lose your mind. lol
i suffer from anxiety attacks, depression, etc. although weed normally raises the chances of panic attacks and such i've found some strains really mellow me out and actually make me more sociable, not just while high but the day after, etc.

i'm looking to find a strand that you might consider to be best for me.. something really mellow, however still a good high. i know a few strands like "God" have just been too mental for me, but i've been just as high on other strands that kept me very calm.

does the sativa / indica % matter at all in this situation? i know some produce more of a body stone than a mental one..

any info would be greatly appreciated , living full of anxiety sucks! toke on! :joint:
I am currently growing StrawberryCough and SuperGirl and was informed that the StrawBerry Cough is a anti Anxiety Strain that is an up high with uplifting atributes. It was also Featured in the Movie Chilldren of Men.

Strawberry Cough is my Vote!

Vote Ron Paul 2008
man... i always thought i was alone with the anxiety some situations my mind is fine but my heart beats like crazy and i shake...

didn't used to happen to me when i was a teenager...
No you are not alone at all. That is why I really like this thread that was thankfully set-up. It shows others that they are not alone and that others suffer through similar situations.

I did not get panic attacks when I was younger either but LOTS has happened over the years to contribute to my conditions.:?

This time of year is especially difficult. But that goes for most people without these types of disorders.

have a great holiday everyone.:blsmoke::peace:
man... i always thought i was alone with the anxiety some situations my mind is fine but my heart beats like crazy and i shake...

didn't used to happen to me when i was a teenager...
right on Lacy....totally true. I have found that now with some many different circumstances. there are so many other people dealing with so many of the same issues, there is huge benefit in getting the communication lines open and providing the opportunity to give and get this thread and all those that have contributed!
Lacy & sologro57.........I agree on finding the right meds and mj strains. My wife has been on many meds over the years. It takes along time to find the right combination. The problem is that these med combinations won't work forever. If your taking 3 different kinds and one quits working you have to figure out which one quit (or 2). It's a long process to find the right combination again. Extremely stressful if you have bi-polar. Add to this a self medication of weed and who knows how this reacts with the meds. Sologro57 is right in saying it's a crap shoot but you have to start somewhere. I would think starting with a total Indica with couch lock symptoms would not be a choice for someone who fights depression in the first place. And a 100% Sativa might be too much head rush as Lacy says. And yes, different meds and different strains will effect everyone differently. So it is a crap shoot in a way but at least you can narrow the odds somewhat. Do your homework both on the meds and the strains. I seldom grow the same strain twice just for that reason. But how many people who don't grow their own know what strain they are that's a real crap shoot. Paying $300 a ounce (in this area) for something you know nothing about is crazy to me.
i am on clonazepam and ativan to keep my panic attacks at a controllable level but honestly smoking bud sorta calms me, not really when i'm high but the day after and beyond, just sort of puts me into a happier mindset... less anxiety, happier thoughts.. thats why i like to toke . hahah

hey paradox, same here... had been on clonazepam for a while. Small dosage, but came to a doc that didn't like it, and since he has been a godsend, I followed his advice. But do find myself struggling with the damn anxiety still. Not really often, but often enough. I didn't realize how much the clonazepam worked. I used it as a sleep aid... Ah well, we will find help right!:)
hey paradox, same here... had been on clonazepam for a while. Small dosage, but came to a doc that didn't like it, and since he has been a godsend, I followed his advice. But do find myself struggling with the damn anxiety still. Not really often, but often enough. I didn't realize how much the clonazepam worked. I used it as a sleep aid... Ah well, we will find help right!:smile: