best bud you ever smoked


Active Member
is akunk indica? cause when i smoked it i got this body high and a little headie high but mostly a sleepy body high.

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
is akunk indica? cause when i smoked it i got this body high and a little headie high but mostly a sleepy body high.
You mean Skunk?

There is different types of skunk.. Skunk #1, Sensi Skunk, Ultra Skunk... so many really. unless you got it from a grower/club then theres no way of knowing what it really is. Lots of people just throw names around.


Active Member
You mean Skunk?

There is different types of skunk.. Skunk #1, Sensi Skunk, Ultra Skunk... so many really. unless you got it from a grower/club then theres no way of knowing what it really is. Lots of people just throw names around.
well let me tell ya, it really did smell like a friggin skunk. it was definately quality stuff.

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
well let me tell ya, it really did smell like a friggin skunk. it was definately quality stuff.
Yeah i love getting pure skunk smelling stuff. it smells great to me. Can't keep my nose out of the bag (: I always hotbox my car when i have some skunky shit


Active Member
i feel like theres a lot of "must have" straibs that ive never smoked. afghan, ice, chronic, g-13, etc.


Active Member
haha no shit my friend just came by and guess which one of those strains that you named he dropped off for me? haha some extra yummy afghan :p
its all good my friends bringing over a shitload of sour diesel cannacookies tomorrow for my birthday tomorrow..but let me know how the afghan treats ya.

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
its all good my friends bringing over a shitload of sour diesel cannacookies tomorrow for my birthday tomorrow..but let me know how the afghan treats ya.

Well dude happy early birthday!
Sounds like your going to have a great day. All my experiences with edibles i always get SUPER fucked up always fun. My first cannacookie had an eighth just in 1 cookie. I ended up eating some food i said i would never eat and get some pictures take of me looking STUPID lol and i never knew edibles got your eyes red until i saw myself lol

Yeah im still smoking bowl number 1


Active Member
ive never had an edible..what i heard is that it takes longer for the high to kick in, but once it does, your super fucked up for a long time! haha i cant wait. oh and take a hit for me :eyesmoke:

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Haha dude what you were told was EXACTLY right. i don't remember most of the day my first time. Like i blacked out after walking into class then faded back in still stoned as hell 2 hours after school watching 2 kids ive never seen before fight. lol.

I just packed a gravity bong hit to you and now heres one for everyone else on RIU haha.
getting fdhklsghdkgjshdklghshighhh


Active Member
enjoy it!

and i love going to school high. once when i was a dumb little highschooler i was smoking a bowl in the bathroom(stupid i know) when the door opened! i hid the bowl. who came in? my dealer hahaha he was like im proud of you.

but then i got smart and only smoked at the bus stop(since it was dark and my whole neighborhood was asleep)
the ride to school when you feel the highness coming on..uhhh.nothing better.

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Nicee. When i went to a continuation school we could smoke cig over by a wall if we asked security i always smoked bowls and went back to class stinking. they never found it. i kept a gram at school grinded up with a small piece would last me a week almost.


Active Member
Nicee. When i went to a continuation school we could smoke cig over by a wall if we asked security i always smoked bowls and went back to class stinking. they never found it. i kept a gram at school grinded up with a small piece would last me a week almost.
i can make a gram of bomb weed get me high 4 times if i smoke by myself. which i think is pretty efficent.

haha are you high yet?