Best bubble hash washing machine?

Couldn't figure out a better place to put this question so... what is the best washing machine for personal use? Maybe 5 gallons and a couple hundred bucks. All the ones I've seen seem shoddy quality. Any recommendations?


Well-Known Member
Another weed site I belonged to had a member post his bubble hash method. He used a cheap small washing machine like this from Ebay. Not sure about the machines quality but the price is nice and it's not too big if you don't have pounds of trim to extract.


Well-Known Member
I have te bubble magic sticker on generic 5 gallon washer. Not the best quality. A few dollars and some hillbilly rocket science, it should last a long time.

Honestly I would have just gone this route wit the wash bags and 6-8 bag assortment. Amount of ice to water and actual agitation needed, after learning curve, is very minimal. Machine is actually lowering quality in my testing.

But whatever works for you.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I tried that but I feel I over agitate it every time. I figured a machine would be more gentle/consistent.
ahh OK
All my drills are variable speed and since I was reared on a wooden spoon and some cheese cloth , I can see where constant slow agitation for cash is the true way

Less is more

Good luck