Best bottled CO2 method for small grows???


Well-Known Member
Just trying to get ideas of the best bottled CO2 methods you guys are using for small grows (4 - 8 plants or so). Please share your thoughts on regulators, timers, time increments, etc.


Well-Known Member
regulators, timers,increments etc,etc,etc,. All that for 4 palnts ???? Souns a bit expensive unless you have some friends who are willin to help out. I've been on my 1st since it broke ground the 1st week of Sept. Had her under 12/12 for 3 wks now and she is beautiful. The co2 thing....i did the yeast/sugar/h2o =alcohol=co2 thing. 4 -1/2 gallon jugs 1/2 full of h2o and equal parts, don't be stingy, yeast and sugar, or molasses Shake vigoursly after putting small hole in cap and instant co2. yeah i know this is not state of the art but it is extra co2 and increased co2 mean increased yield. I know she's not getting "optimum" co2 but she's gettin it nonetheless. Checked out a 1ft branch about qtr way down and counted 13 grow spots. She's got grow spots all over her and is up to 35" today. Started her at 14" before 12/12. Thats a tripling in size in the flowering stage. USB cord is on the way, post pics later tonight so you can see how mine did with that set up. I just shook the bottles 3-4 times a day, turned off my fans and tented her up for n hour, placing the 4 jugs around the base of the plant. Just can't remember whats the heavier element. Any I know shes gettin at least some extra co2 this way...till Ii can get a tank setup goin..