Have you ever read Recipes for Disaster? Similar, but I think it has more practical stuff...
Hmmm, best book...
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. It's a very good story, got me so hooked I literally could NOT put it down, I read the damn thing in a DAY.
The Time Traveler's Wife was good, never saw the movie, but I really liked the book. The way it was written just made it so much more interesting...
Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series, fucking LOVE it. Read all the books several times. Although I'm not sure about the new one, The Law of Nines...I got it, but I haven't really started reading it yet.
Stephen King -- anything related to the Dark Tower series. IT is probably my favorite book of all time.
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. I really like her philosophy. Which is actually pretty big in Terry Goodkind's books...
Neil Gaimen. Neverwhere, American Gods, Anansi Boys, Stardust...
Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series...and omg, I just looked it up and found out a 7th book came out. Now I have to read all the books again and get it...