best all round soil?


Well-Known Member
I heard fox farms is the best out there but its no where around me, I only have canadian tire, walmart, home depot... what the best all round soil that I dont need to add nutes.. I have been looking a miracle grow potting soil with plant food.. I heard it no good and has man made ferts that you dont want to be smoking.. so is shultx the best soil around? maybe you can provide your own soil mixes that would work without adding nutes in any of the plants life cycle?


Active Member
yeah i have the same problem. walmart, home depot, stines, lowes, and a couple of nursery and they all have the same stuff.


Well-Known Member
i have always used scotts potting mix. never had any burn problems either.7 bucks for a 40 pound bag. nice


Active Member
i also use scoots and if u dont wana have 2 feed pick up manure at home depot to they have bags of sheep poo:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
its really worth while to drive and get Fox Farms ocean harvest. it will blow scotts and mircle grow out of the ground. peace.


Well-Known Member
the mix I suggested will work just fine, it's essentially pro-mix. Or you could spend 3 times as much and go with fox farm...


New Member
You will eventually have to use nutrients bro. You should get over any fear you have of fucking up because you will; that's just the way it is when you're a noob. With that in mind, the easiest way for you to fill up your containers is to mix peat moss, perlite, and dolomite lime..... do it yourself because you will get a lot more for a lot less money.

MG is decent. I would recommend you pick out the little "osmocote" balls as you see them. That's where the time-released nutrients are and those are the reason plants get burnt. Do that and you'll be fine.

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
you can always order potting mix over the internet. personally i have been using organic miracle grow that i picked up from home depo. i've heard people on here bash MG, and vice versa, it has worked fine for me. i have heard on here that you can buy organic potting soil at rite aid, but have never gone to look. if you have a whole foods markt near you, they also sell organic potting soil. i use all kinds of nutes like, age old grow, biobloom, fish emulsion, bone meal, bat guano etc. if you use MG, you have to be careful with fertilizing. if you decide to use organic MG, it would be a good idea to pick up neem oil, and spray the soil and plants on occasion to avoid any pest problems. i use green light rose defense that i bought at lowes.


Well-Known Member
Jack the tripper, shipping would double the cost of soil sent thru the mail!
I use around 30 gallons of mix every cycle and it costs me around $35 bucks...


Active Member
If you can get to a small mom and pop place get some fertilome ultimate potting mix, its like 17 bucks here for a huge bag, works good. I just switched to Fox Farm, had a little cash, but the fertilome is good. You also dont want to reuse old soil.


Well-Known Member
I used scotts potting mix and I never had a problem ethier, out of store bought i'd recoumend scotts