Best advanced nutrients..

What are the best advanced nutrients i can use to completely maximize harvest. just got the grow bloom micro pack, what can i supplement with it and when to maximize yield and shorten time. i have about 120 to spend after the growbloommicro


Well-Known Member
Ive got big bud & overdrive...not used it yet so cant comment on it. Supposed to be good though!


Well-Known Member
What are the best advanced nutrients i can use to completely maximize harvest. just got the grow bloom micro pack, what can i supplement with it and when to maximize yield and shorten time. i have about 120 to spend after the growbloommicro
I try to have some form of flowering supplement for each few weeks of flowering, say something for week 1-3, then big bud for 4-6 then Overdrive for the rest. That's pretty much all you need. A lot of the AN extra supplements are just stupid and unnecessary, oh and expensive... And if you get the Big Bud powder, it lasts a lot longer and is cheaper than the pre-mixed liquid.
I try to have some form of flowering supplement for each few weeks of flowering, say something for week 1-3, then big bud for 4-6 then Overdrive for the rest. That's pretty much all you need. A lot of the AN extra supplements are just stupid and unnecessary, oh and expensive... And if you get the Big Bud powder, it lasts a lot longer and is cheaper than the pre-mixed liquid.
I was thinking giving em bud factor x for their oils or whatever, some piranha for fungi, some b vitamins, and maybe another bloom booster


Well-Known Member
I'm not particularly familiar with those, but all these boosters aren't the kind of thing you NEED, you can produce just as much/good bud with the right techniques and feeding schedules etc... It's just good to have them if you got a bit of money to buy them.


New Member
You're down to spend 120 on additives and shit? Sounds like AN really got you by the balls. Enjoy your explosive pristine roots, increased bud sites, heavier resin production, and bitchin bottle art.


Well-Known Member
Im currently using voodojuice, b-52, Bud candy, big bud, and overdrive, i love my AN!!!! there easy simple and productive, dont over do it with the master grower level n shit i find the hobbyest bundle is perfect the "at home" grower


Well-Known Member
I just discovered a new additive that works alongside my part A.B veg & flower and ph down that works great.
It's called 'FuKalL'
Seems to give me better results than most people get.


Well-Known Member
i started with AN...put down around $650 on (almost) the full line.....
i found they work ok...but then i used GH 3 part...its was better...
then i used dyna-gro and i don't think i will switch cheap,works well and is ph stable.....
live and learn


Well-Known Member
You're down to spend 120 on additives and shit? Sounds like AN really got you by the balls. Enjoy your explosive pristine roots, increased bud sites, heavier resin production, and bitchin bottle art.
They must be doing something right because the people i know who use it are happy with it


New Member
I'm sure it works just fine if you buy all their shit.

I've never used AN and don't plan too since I'm happy with my 12$ shit, so I can't really comment on how well it works or doesn't.


Well-Known Member
I got a very good deal on AN micro, bloom and grow, so that's what I'm using. More important than buying extra nutes, I would say the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING you can do to ensure healthy bud production is treat those girls right -- no nutes at all for 2 weeks, then 1/4 strength for 2 weeks, then 1/2 strength for the rest of the grow. What's on the label is full strength, and it will kill your plants.

I started all wrong -- germed two seeds in the "seed" strength listed on the Micro label and burned both, killing one. The other one barely made it. So a week later I germed one more seed to make up for the one that died, and this time did it right. I did water only. Within 5 days, she was more advanced that the original one I had burned. Two weeks later, the younger one is flourishing gorgeously! Every time I see her, she's got more leaves, is branching out and the leaves are bigger and bigger. She's like a plant on steroids -- and she's just had 1/4 nutes for 3 days now. The original one, which is a full week older, is now half the size, the leaves are tiny, not growing much, looking very sad. I'm going to keep her in the pot, but everything I do now I do for plant 2. I pray she's a girl!

In about 2 weeks I'll go to 50% strength, and that's where I'll stop.


Well-Known Member
stop at 50% damn... I get away fine with just water for a few weeks then 50% then 100% after that I can raise it to 150% and in extreme cases during flowering my plants have taken 300% strength with no burning or anything, it's all just strain related, some are nutrient whores and some like it slow! XD

AN's Baselines are very good! but you can substitute the boosters with other brands that will probably work a lot better and save your wallet! I've read General Hydro's boosters work very well, and there are a few new ones on the market I've read grow journals on that look pretty sweet too like 'Buddhas Tree' seems quite good and a few others.


Well-Known Member
WRONG. It doesn't not even last as 1/2 as long as a 1L bottle.
Maybe not the 'equivalent' powder to liquid but powder is cheaper... I only have a small res though:

I worked it out that 130g of powder cost £18 or something and lasts 4 grows and 1l of the liquid lasts 2 grows but costs like £25.. you do the maths, this shit is expensive over here.


Active Member
What are the best advanced nutrients i can use to completely maximize harvest. just got the grow bloom micro pack, what can i supplement with it and when to maximize yield and shorten time. i have about 120 to spend after the growbloommicro
If you have the Grow, Micro, Bloom, I would suggest these additives:

Voodoo Juice
Big Bud

Those are the rest of the nutrients for the Bigger Yields Hobbyist bundle. Buy what you can and then slowly add in more nutrients when you have the funds.

good luck!


Well-Known Member
If you have the Grow, Micro, Bloom, I would suggest these additives:

Voodoo Juice
Big Bud

Those are the rest of the nutrients for the Bigger Yields Hobbyist bundle. Buy what you can and then slowly add in more nutrients when you have the funds.

good luck!
That's the advice I'd give. Keep it simple.

Ignore the haters saying you have to buy everything or whatever. A: that's total BS and B: they don't know what they're talking about in the first place.