Besides eggshells what else can I use?

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
All types of stuff. If your making a compost pile, make sure you stir it every once in a while, it will help break it down. I have eggshells, strawberries, leaves, lawn clippings, saw dust, bannana peals. Can't remember everything :mrgreen:

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
its a compost pile. I make my own soil.

Sometimes I take a scoop of it and add it into my regular soil. Because mine is more acidic than the soil I usually use.

Check out this, may be helpful

Primalseeds - % composition of materials

Also I read newspaper is good as well.

You can take like a sheet and put it underneath the soil at different levels. So like soil/newspaper/soil/newspaper. and when it breaks down it is suppose to be good.


Well-Known Member
Youll have to really do some research if you want to do your own composting don't just throw your scraps in a pot and call it soil, composting takes time and care.