Berry Ryder.. tips turning yellow first leaves dying. nute burn?


Active Member
Hey im growing auto seeds berry ryder and im at about 4.5 weeks old since sprouted... on week 3.5 it was flowering already and thristy so i mixed half dose of big bloom and tiger bloom and gave normal amount of water i give her.. now its like a week after and im seeing this what do you guys think..this is the very bottom leaf the oppostite looks similar IMG_0416.jpg ........IMG_0418.jpg the tips havnt seem to get much worse then this and are only on random leaves bottom or top..................

IMG_0414.jpg is the hairs turning a bit red normal or is that nute burn as well.........should i water twice then nute again or what the soil is feeling pretty dry today


Well-Known Member
Just looks like a mild burn to me. A few waterings with regular water should resolve the problem. Try using guano as a natural way to get you plants what they need w/o expensive chemicals that burn. I went full organic a few grows back, not looking back.


Active Member
what about the bud shot is the white going red this early suppose to happen or is that nute burn..and should i water twice then start nutes again at quarter instead of half