Bernie's Our Revolution in Disarray


Well-Known Member
Bernie’s army in disarray
The Sanders-inspired grass-roots group ‘Our Revolution’ is flailing, an extensive review by POLITICO shows, fueling concerns about a potential 2020 bid.

Bernie Sanders’ top operatives formed “Our Revolution” after he lost the 2016 primaries to keep his army organized and motivated — and potentially prepare for another presidential run in 2020.

But an extensive review of the Sanders-inspired group depicts an organization in disarray — operating primarily as a promotional vehicle for its leader and sometimes even snubbing candidates aligned with Sanders. Our Revolution has shown no ability to tip a major Democratic election in its favor — despite possessing Sanders’ email list, the envy of the Democratic Party — and can claim no major wins in 2018 as its own.

The result has left many Sanders supporters disillusioned, feeling that the group that was supposed to harness the senator's grass-roots movement is failing in its mission. The problems have also fueled doubts about Sanders’ organizational ability heading into 2020, even after his out-of-nowhere near-march to the nomination two years ago. Critics of the Vermont independent had been worried he’d have a juggernaut-in-waiting to fuel a second presidential campaign, but that anxiety has faded after watching Our Revolution the past year and a half.

“Our Revolution is going through growing pains,” acknowledged Jane Kleeb, the group’s treasurer, while arguing that progress is being made. “Creating a grass-roots organization is different from running a presidential campaign.”

There is much more to the article and it's worth giving a passing glance. This should come as no surprise to anybody who has been watching the development of Bernie's campaign for 2020. The entire premise that Bernie's movement is based upon is a false assumption. That a heretofore untapped wellspring of non-voting white liberals are waiting across the US for a real liberal to run -- that would be Bernie Sanders. Never mind that they didn't show up for him in 2016. Never mind that Bernie has done nothing to build relationships with black and latino voters who didn't vote for him in any real way. No, Bernie was pandering to racially insecure white voters by sticking to economic issues and criticizing pc rhetoric as something that "people are tired of". Not to mention him creating a tale that Democrats lost seats because Obama and a fabricated "Democratic business model". That went over well with black voters, hmmm?

Never mind that his Our Revolution is only running candidates in districts where liberal Democrats have good chances. Never mind that even when running against liberal Democrats they are succeeding only 45% of the time. Bernie and his followers would have us believe we must vote for him and Progressive(tm) Democrats or they will give us Trump.

Bernie has always been a loner and his abysmal ability to lead is showing in his fragmenting organization. Let the denial begin.
Speaking of satellites spun out from the 2016 Sanders campaign, Remember the Justice Democrats who proclaimed they were going to shake up the way Democrats get elected? It appears that some old fashioned chicanery is what they delivered.

There is some news out there that Justice Democrats are consuming 99% of all contributions in unreported ways. Certainly not using it to fund candidates who they endorse. Where did that 1,788,520 dollars go?

Total raised: $1,815,318
Total spent: $1,807,029
Total spent on campaign contributions: $18,509

Total cash on hand: $8,289
Date of last report March 31, 2018

At least they carried zero debt.
Speaking of satellites spun out from the 2016 Sanders campaign, Remember the Justice Democrats who proclaimed they were going to shake up the way Democrats get elected? It appears that some old fashioned chicanery is what they delivered.

There is some news out there that Justice Democrats are consuming 99% of all contributions in unreported ways. Certainly not using it to fund candidates who they endorse. Where did that 1,788,520 dollars go?

Total raised: $1,815,318
Total spent: $1,807,029
Total spent on campaign contributions: $18,509

Total cash on hand: $8,289
Date of last report March 31, 2018

At least they carried zero debt.
Ive kept asking about that last few days and it's like an old western, tumbleweed.
If pad, tty and schuy are any indication of this group - good riddance. They are infected with the same sort of disease that Trump supporters are.
Ive kept asking about that last few days and it's like an old western, tumbleweed.
Yep, I should have credited your earlier posts. I saw your posts and the total lack of response by @ttystikk , @Padawanbater2 and @schuylaar . They run away from the facts, don't they?

Of course the Progressive(tm) hypocrites wanted to sweep the evidence of corruption under the rug. So, I figured I'd make a OP to highlight not only the evidence of corruption. But also highlight Bernie's failure of leadership in which led to the fake Progressive(tm) movement that I believe is a creation of right wing propagandists.
Yep, I should have credited your earlier posts. I saw your posts and the total lack of response by @ttystikk , @Padawanbater2 and @schuylaar . They run away from the facts, don't they?

Of course the Progressive(tm) hypocrites wanted to sweep the evidence of corruption under the rug. So, I figured I'd make a OP to highlight not only the evidence of corruption. But also highlight Bernie's failure of leadership in which led to the fake Progressive(tm) movement that I believe is a creation of right wing propagandists.
I'm glad you did, I usually just blast information out and it gets lost so they can dodge it easier.

7* out of 5 therad.

Vote for ************Official Therad*************: The great honorable ninja says YAY!!
Sanders is moving his mouth and making sounds! Why isn't he guaranteed hours of press coverage! WHY!!!???

Rigged! Unfair!
The nefarious main media outlets are conspiring to hide Bernie's lack of understanding the issues to promote his ascendancy to President.

