Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

Robert Byrd and George Wallace both repudiated their earlier racist and segregationist views.

More recently, Glenn Beck has done the same, joining a long list of those who have come to realize the destructive selfishness of their earlier right wing views.

Well that makes it all OK then. :)
I've recently repudiated my views. I'm all better now. 8)
Now prove it. Talk is cheap and yours has already been bought, snitch.

George Wallace went to the church Martin Luther King Jr used to be pastor of, admitted he had been wrong and asked for forgiveness.

Robert Byrd became a champion of black rights causes.

The best you can manage is snitch, troll and hang around people who don't like anything you stand for.
you are literally always wrong.


Robert Byrd and George Wallace both repudiated their earlier racist and segregationist views.
too little too late ... the damage is already done.. you can't do the things this racist POS has done and the then just change you views to get votes after a few year go by.. Wallace issued injunctions to prevent the removal of segregation signs in rail terminals, becoming the first Southern judge to do so.[13] Similarly, during efforts by civil rights organizations to expand voter registration of blacks, Wallace blocked federal efforts to review Barbour County voting lists. He was cited for criminal contempt of court in 1959.[
“ In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.
" George Wallace. jan 4 1963.
Now prove it. Talk is cheap and yours has already been bought, snitch.

George Wallace went to the church Martin Luther King Jr used to be pastor of, admitted he had been wrong and asked for forgiveness.

Robert Byrd became a champion of black rights causes.

The best you can manage is snitch, troll and hang around people who don't like anything you stand for.

I am sorry. Please forgive me.
only ONE thing wrong... Trump doesn't even know David Duke on a personal level.. Hillary once stated that Robert Bird was her "Mentor".. do you know what a mentor is?

i'd love to be mentored by a guy with a 100% NAACP rating.

your guy got the endorsement of the american nazi party and the KKK.

suck on that dick, jesus freak.
too little too late ... the damage is already done.. you can't do the things this racist POS has done and the then just change you views to get votes after a few year go by.. Wallace issued injunctions to prevent the removal of segregation signs in rail terminals, becoming the first Southern judge to do so.[13] Similarly, during efforts by civil rights organizations to expand voter registration of blacks, Wallace blocked federal efforts to review Barbour County voting lists. He was cited for criminal contempt of court in 1959.[
“ In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.
" George Wallace. jan 4 1963.

donald trump segregated his apartments.

well, he didn;t segregate them exactly. he just denied access to black people entirely.

he also called for the execution of 5 innocent black men one month before you voted for him.

dumb racist retard.
too little too late ... the damage is already done.. you can't do the things this racist POS has done and the then just change you views to get votes after a few year go by.. Wallace issued injunctions to prevent the removal of segregation signs in rail terminals, becoming the first Southern judge to do so.[13] Similarly, during efforts by civil rights organizations to expand voter registration of blacks, Wallace blocked federal efforts to review Barbour County voting lists. He was cited for criminal contempt of court in 1959.[
“ In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.
" George Wallace. jan 4 1963.


Federal judge again rules Texas voter ID law is discriminatory | Fox News
Fox News › politics › 2017/04/10 › feder...
Apr 10, 2017 - Dealing Texas another rebuke over voting rights, a judge Monday again ruled that Republican lawmakers purposefully designed a strict voter ID law to disadvantage minorities and effectively ...

You really suck at this.
i'd love to be mentored by a guy with a 100% NAACP rating.

your guy got the endorsement of the american nazi party and the KKK.

suck on that dick, jesus freak.
you are literally whining at this point.. this is what i"m talking about .. the democratic party is drowning in racism and you have the gull to point out something that Trump has no control over. what do the neo nazis think every time Trump shows support for the Nation of Israel? your still stuck on pre election mummbo jumbo.. get back to planet earth please. Trump got elected by the same people that elected the first black president.. that is a fact.. he turned blues states red that voted for Obama in 2012.. he didnt need the support of the kkk or the neo nazis.. and Trump didn't want it .. look up Lynne Patton. she has been working with Trump for over 8 years.. she is a black woman, and one of many who Trump has worked with and promoted throughout the years. In fact, I dont think any candidates need the support of racist groups. 3500 members strong in the kkk... I really dont think thats making a whole lot of votes there bud.
you are literally whining at this point.. this is what i"m talking about .. the democratic party is drowning in racism and you have the gull to point out something that Trump has no control over. what do the neo nazis think every time Trump shows support for the Nation of Israel? your still stuck on pre election mummbo jumbo.. get back to planet earth please. Trump got elected by the same people that elected the first black president.. that is a fact.. he turned blues states red that voted for Obama in 2012.. he didnt need the support of the kkk or the neo nazis.. and Trump didn't want it .. look up Lynne Patton. she has been working with Trump for over 8 years.. she is a black woman, and one of many who Trump has worked with and promoted throughout the years. In fact, I dont think any candidates need the support of racist groups. 3500 members strong in the kkk... I really dont think thats making a whole lot of votes there bud.

funny, you seem to want to talk about who supported the democratic party 200 years ago, but you don't want to talk about the fact that the KKK, american nazi party, and 23 other white supremacist and neo-nazi organizations support trump today.

as far as what the neo-nazis think of trump's treatment of israel, here ya go:

they fucking love him.
donald trump segregated his apartments.

well, he didn;t segregate them exactly. he just denied access to black people entirely.

he also called for the execution of 5 innocent black men one month before you voted for him.

dumb racist retard.
Bill clinton cheated on his wife in the oval office... Hillary clinton defended the rapist if a 14 year old child... and sexually molested cathy o'brian. look it up.. I bet you dont even know who ted gunderson is...
Bill clinton cheated on his wife in the oval office... Hillary clinton defended the rapist if a 14 year old child... and sexually molested cathy o'brian. look it up.. I bet you dont even know who ted gunderson is...

trump cheated on every single wife he's ever had, raped a 13 year old, and sexually assaulted two dozen women.

and then you voted for him.

why so silent about hte fact that he called for the execution of 5 innocent black men too?
funny, you seem to want to talk about who supported the democratic party 200 years ago, but you don't want to talk about the fact that the KKK, american nazi party, and 23 other white supremacist and neo-nazi organizations support trump today.

as far as what the neo-nazis think of trump's treatment of israel, here ya go, cocksucker:

they fucking love him.
I didnt hear Trump say anything anti jew... and you never will. he is a very positive person from what iv'e heard him say.. so how is Trump treating Israel? pretty good i'd say. but you can go to any website and get bias lies and negative opinions.. that is not really hard to do.. you really have NO argument.. all you do is scream racist, homophobe, blah blah blah .. your boring..
I didnt hear Trump say anything anti jew... and you never will.

he literally spent weeks pointing out that jon stewart is a jew, you fucking retard.

he is being celebrated on neo-nazi websites and is endorsed by the KKK and american nazi party.

dumb fucking racist.
Hillary Clinton is responsible for the death of thousands of people.. she and her husband have raped and killed people over and over again.. she and Bill have imported tons and tons of heroin and cocaine into this country and have poisoned millions of children with drugs.. she runs a child porn ring that steals and kidnaps children from allover the world.. that is who YOU support!!!
he literally spent weeks pointing out that jon stewart is a jew, you fucking retard.

he is being celebrated on neo-nazi websites and is endorsed by the KKK and american nazi party.

dumb fucking racist.
I have never heard him say anything like that... your a liar and a paid robot of Goerge Sorros..