Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

actually we have Bernie idiots who did not even register Democratic even after Bernie announced that he was running as a Democrat. We have other Bernie idiots who think Roe vs Wade cannot be challenged nor overturned. This list is long on how ill-informed these Bernie Baby Muppets are
Low fucking information voters

There are stupid people in the world, I'm sure you are right that some happened to support Bernie. How is that a substantial argument?

but i hold out no hope that the vast majority will ever attempt to, much less want to, unlearn it.

these people want to remain in a state of perpetual victimhood, where their just desserts are being robbed from them by someone, anyone, the point being that it isn't THEIR fault (it is though).

" A global power structure is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities."

"Globalism today means only victimization. We have come to this: that a people sees its destiny to lie at the will of a few dozen global bankers."



"We see the results internationally: the end of the whole economic life of the State: the handing over of the community to the international world of finance."

"We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony."

just see if you can properly guess who made the following statements: hitler or trump

We have to win over some number of them. Do you think that's possible with the stigma each political party has? Or are we being ever increasingly divided?
We are doing just that

Would you like to make an avatar bet that we get more than 0 candidates in office?

More importantly, would you like to make a bet that we can get actual progressives in office by spending less than the opposition, proving your hypothesis bullshit and rendering the argument that Democrats have to take money in order to win against Republicans useless?
Ill take the bet as long as none of your candidates take PAC money, corporate money and no donations over $100.
Yes, but you would have to overturn a few supreme court cases in order to limit contributions. So how would you do that with a Republican controlled congress and supreme court?
An amendment was what Sanders tried to get passed in September 2014. Republicans filibustered. Every Democrat and independent Senator, blue dog or flaming liberal, 54 in all, voted with him on that legislation and against the filibuster. All 42 GOP senators voted for the filibuster. 60 votes were needed to break the filibuster and then a majority was needed to pass the bill authorizing the amendment. The GOP clearly came out against campaign finance reform, and a united front of Democrats and independents clearly supported campaign finance reform. The distinction could not be made more clear only two months ahead of the 2014 election.

In November, the GOP gained nine seats and took control of the Senate in January 2015.

Do you still think that Democrats oppose campaign finance reform?

Still think campaign finance reform is THE BIGGEST issue on voter's minds?
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An amendment was what Sanders tried to get passed in September 2014. Every Democrat and independent Senator, blue dog or flaming liberal voted with him on that legislation. All 42 GOP senators voted against it.

In November, the GOP gained nine seats and took control of the Senate.

Still think campaign finance reform is THE BIGGEST issue on voter's minds?
Audit the Fed!
How do you suggest the progressive wing of the Democratic party and the establishment wing reconcile when the fundamental disagreement is corporate financing of campaigns?

Progressives believe if Democrats accept corporate bribes they are beholden to those corporate interests. Moderates believe it's necessary to accept corporate bribes in order to be a financially viable option against Republicans.

I don't see a way to compromise such diametrically opposite positions
Factually incorrect. Democrats and independents support campaign finance reform.
An amendment was what Sanders tried to get passed in September 2014. Republicans filibustered. Every Democrat and independent Senator, blue dog or flaming liberal, 54 in all, voted with him on that legislation and against the filibuster. All 42 GOP senators voted for the filibuster. 60 votes were needed to break the filibuster and then a majority was needed to pass the bill authorizing the amendment. The GOP clearly came out against campaign finance reform, and a united front of Democrats and independents clearly supported campaign finance reform. The distinction could not be made more clear only two months ahead of the 2014 election.

In November, the GOP gained nine seats and took control of the Senate in January 2015.

Do you still think that Democrats oppose campaign finance reform?

Still think campaign finance reform is THE BIGGEST issue on voter's minds?
Right, so every Democratic senator voted for campaign finance reform when it didn't actually matter, just to save face for people like you, their gullible constituents. When Democrats have a filibuster proof supermajority, we still can't even get single-payer healthcare passed. Don't feed me that bullshit.

It doesn't matter if Democrats have a filibuster proof supermajority in the Senate, campaign finance reform negatively affects all of the establishment shills who accept corporate bribes. That's why they will never bring it up as a legitimate issue, that's why Barney Frank and other retards push the propaganda that we have to take the bribes to fight the Republicans, even if the guys we vote for don't actually represent our interests, just like Republicans..
Which is?

Seems like you're backing away from the whole campaign finance thing already, isn't that the crux of your whole argument?
$200 is still a small donation

So is $300... $500..

A small donation is subjective. Sanders raised more than Clinton in some states through individual contributions alone, without accepting corporate bribes or Super PAC money, the majority of them being less than $100, but some being over. So I'm not going to handicap myself and fold to your bullshit proposal that $100 is the limit, because even poor people who follow politics have donated more than that to the Sanders campaign, because they believe in it.

So, like I said, you'll abide by whatever rules they've set up in regards to financing their campaign, under the stipulation of no corporate bribes and no Super PAC money.
$200 is still a small donation

So is $300... $500..

A small donation is subjective. Sanders raised more than Clinton in some states through individual contributions alone, without accepting corporate bribes or Super PAC money, the majority of them being less than $100, but some being over. So I'm not going to handicap myself and fold to your bullshit proposal that $100 is the limit, because even poor people who follow politics have donated more than that to the Sanders campaign, because they believe in it.

So, like I said, you'll abide by whatever rules they've set up in regards to financing their campaign, under the stipulation of no corporate bribes and no Super PAC money.

Backpedalling doesn't get you anywhere, duct-tape.
Factually incorrect. Democrats and independents support campaign finance reform.
Progressives support campaign finance reform. Establishment Democrats don't because they know they will lose to the progressive candidate in the Democratic primary