Well-Known Member

She goes on with a bunch of examples to premise her argument and I agree with her. Bernie Sanders limited his campaign to white affluent areas in 2016 and did very poorly with minority voters. After his campaign was over, while doing as much harm as possible to Clinton's campaign, many of his supporters were switching sides to support Donald Trump and some of his most egregiously bigoted supporters on this forum were starting threads like the one Schuylaar made to blame black voters for his failure.And it’s not going away
Bernie Sanders is dog whistling again. Scratch that. He’s not whistling; he’s bull-horning. While Democrats were registering new voters, pushing to get Democrats electing in the mid-terms, Bernie was campaigning for 2020. After the mid-terms, while Democrats made big gains in taking back the House of Representatives , electing Democrat governors, taking over state houses and passing initiatives including restoring the right to vote for 1.5 million ex-felons in Florida, Bernie was gloating over Democrats not taking back the Senate.
I was actually waiting for Bernie to hold a press conference and call out the losing campaigns from the mid-terms with claims that they didn’t “show him love” like Donald Trump did. Instead Bernie has decided to once again make excuses for White people supporting racists politicians like Ron DeSantis, Steve King, and Corey Stewart. In an interview with the Daily Beast, Sanders said “I think you know there are a lot of white folks out there who are not necessarily racist who felt uncomfortable for the first time in their lives about whether or not they wanted to vote for an African-American.”