Bernie Sanders has a race problem


Well-Known Member
And it’s not going away

Bernie Sanders is dog whistling again. Scratch that. He’s not whistling; he’s bull-horning. While Democrats were registering new voters, pushing to get Democrats electing in the mid-terms, Bernie was campaigning for 2020. After the mid-terms, while Democrats made big gains in taking back the House of Representatives , electing Democrat governors, taking over state houses and passing initiatives including restoring the right to vote for 1.5 million ex-felons in Florida, Bernie was gloating over Democrats not taking back the Senate.

I was actually waiting for Bernie to hold a press conference and call out the losing campaigns from the mid-terms with claims that they didn’t “show him love” like Donald Trump did. Instead Bernie has decided to once again make excuses for White people supporting racists politicians like Ron DeSantis, Steve King, and Corey Stewart. In an interview with the Daily Beast, Sanders said “I think you know there are a lot of white folks out there who are not necessarily racist who felt uncomfortable for the first time in their lives about whether or not they wanted to vote for an African-American.”
She goes on with a bunch of examples to premise her argument and I agree with her. Bernie Sanders limited his campaign to white affluent areas in 2016 and did very poorly with minority voters. After his campaign was over, while doing as much harm as possible to Clinton's campaign, many of his supporters were switching sides to support Donald Trump and some of his most egregiously bigoted supporters on this forum were starting threads like the one Schuylaar made to blame black voters for his failure.
I believe that the vast majority of the people of the world and of this country are living in a slave-like condition not terribly different from what existed in this country before the Civil War.
What about the 800 workers? They were informed about the sale four days before it was publicly announced. They were sold to the Swiss. No one asked them how they felt about it. They weren’t treated very differently from the way black people in this country were treated when there was slavery, basically, today, Vermont workers remain slaves in many, many ways

At the time of the remarks, Vermont was 99% white and less than 0.2% black.
I'd be willing to bet that if I put this in here, it will be the only thing the morons actually try to focus on, since they have no response to the rest of this stuff. In any case, it's not an endorsement he should be embracing.

One of his “supporters” says “Race matters when it comes to immigration, only 4% of immigrants are white “

Another of his “supporters” has a thread going right now about the same topic the alt right nazis are obsessed with and swears you can’t possibly reason with the far left

Another of his “supporters” says he has a lifelong dream of killing neo nazis but just months ago is on record crying about how wrong it is to kill nazis and how evil anti fascists are

I will not get into the racist things schuylaar, pada, and trump have said
Famous Sanders Supporter:
it's not real racism, it's a joke

One of his “supporters” says “Race matters when it comes to immigration, only 4% of immigrants are white “

Another of his “supporters” has a thread going right now about the same topic the alt right nazis are obsessed with and swears you can’t possibly reason with the far left

Another of his “supporters” says he has a lifelong dream of killing neo nazis but just months ago is on record crying about how wrong it is to kill nazis and how evil anti fascists are

I will not get into the racist things schuylaar, pada, and trump have said
I'm pretty sure if we just pretend racism doesn't exist, it will just go away and stop being a problem.
Sanders remains remarkably awkward on the subject: when asked about the candidacies of Stacey Abrams in Georgia and Andrew Gillum in Florida, he declared that “there are a lot of white folks out there who are not necessarily racist who felt uncomfortable for the first time in their lives about whether or not they wanted to vote for an African-American.” Symone Sanders, a strategist who worked for Bernie’s 2016 run, was puzzled by another recent comment that attempted to be high-minded yet came out sounding strangely demeaning. “He has this odd riff, about how candidates can’t just be a woman or a person of color,” she says. “Some people have said it’s tone-deaf—I think it’s a jab, and it’s not something that appeals to women or black voters.”
Looks like Bernie has a misogyny problem too. Allowing misogyny to run rampant in the ranks of his campaign seems pretty bad to me, but I'm a man so I'll leave it to Clinton to identify it.
“I feel so bad that people got sucked into it,” Clinton said.

She also pointed to a “culture around” Sanders that she said perpetuated sexism, racism and misogyny within the senator’s campaign staff.

“It’s his leadership team,” she said. “It’s his prominent supporters. It’s his online Bernie bros and their relentless attacks on lots of his competitors, particularly the women.”